2015 10 23 Minutes - CDA R2.1 Project
- Austin Kreisler
- Andy Stechishin
- Calvin Beebe
- Kathleen Connor
- Kevin Coonan
- Rob Hausam
Minutes / Notes
- Wiki Editing Project updates
- We will not schedule a room for the wiki training
- CDA R2.1 Project – Review of the RIM 2.35 issues
Attached the CDA schema I created after fixing the RMIM problems as indicated in RMIMDesigner.
When you diff this schema with the original you will find 'everything' changed.
To do proper diff you will need to do at least the following things:
- Make sure both schemas have or do not have the UV realm code
- Make sure both schemas refer to InfrastructureRootElement / InfrastructureRootAttributes or that both pull them inline as the original CDA schema did
- Make sure both schemas have explicit minOccurs/maxOccurs or implicit as the original CDA schema did
That was the trivial bit.
The non trivial bit:35
- We might need to update the new CDA RMIM to fix all typeCode/classCode/moodCode to get closer to the original schema, but that affects semantics.
A change in the XML ITS causes this:
CDAr2 <xs:attribute name="classCode" type="RoleClassAssignedEntity" use="optional" fixed="ASSIGNED"/>
CDAr2.1 <xs:attribute name="classCode" type="RoleClassAssignedEntity" use="required"/>
But also:
CDAr2 <xs:attribute name="typeCode" type="ParticipationType" use="optional" fixed="AUT"/>
CDAr2.1 <xs:attribute name="typeCode" type="ParticipationAuthorOriginator" use="required"/>
- Some changes cannot be helped like
- ClinicalDocument/participant which is now called ClinicalDocument/participation
- change in order for ClinicalDocument/component | componentOf
- change in order for Act/subject | specimen
- all classes that are not mandatory in CDA now carry nillable="true", e.g. - do we stay with nullFlavor
<xs:element name="assignedEntity" type="POCD_MT000040UV.AssignedEntity" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
Allows you to put in an class without having to express the class connected.
Context Conduction / Negation Indicator??
Fix the schemas to correct PROC on
There's more but I guess will do for now.
If we introduce new associations, where do we put them in the schema.
SUMMARY from an earlier e-mail:
ENTRY: Specified id POCD_RM000040 does not meet publication naming guidelines (UUDD_xxnnnnnnUV).
CLASS: ClinicalDocument
ATTTRIBUTE: confidentialityCode ConceptDomain:'x_BasicConfidentialityKind' does not exist in the vocabulary definitions <-- Update to V:x_BasicConfidentialityKind
ATTTRIBUTE: languageCode datatype 'CS' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'CE' <-- Update to CV
ATTTRIBUTE: versionNumber datatype 'INT' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'ST' <-- Update to ST.SIMPLE
ATTTRIBUTE: classCode code/domain 'x_ActClassDocumentEntryAct' does not have a description. <-- Warning only: really a vocab problem, not RMIM
ATTTRIBUTE: languageCode datatype 'CS' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'CE' <-- Update to CV -- this a backward compatibility issue
CLASS: Consent
ATTTRIBUTE: statusCode ConceptDomain:'c_NotDefined' does not exist in the vocabulary definitions <-- Update to C:ActStatus default: completed
CLASS: EncompassingEncounter
ATTTRIBUTE: code ConceptDomain:'ActEncounterCode' does not exist in the vocabulary definitions <-- Update to V:ActEncounterCode
CLASS: Encounter
ATTTRIBUTE: code ConceptDomain:'ActEncounterCode' does not exist in the vocabulary definitions <-- Update to V:ActEncounterCode
CLASS: ExternalDocument
ATTTRIBUTE: versionNumber datatype 'INT' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'ST' <-- Update to ST.SIMPLE -- this a backward compatibility issue
ATTTRIBUTE: confidentialityCode ConceptDomain:'x_BasicConfidentialityKind' does not exist in the vocabulary definitions <-- Update to V:x_BasicConfidentialityKind
ATTTRIBUTE: languageCode datatype 'CS' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'CE' <-- Update to CV
CLASS: Observation
ATTTRIBUTE: languageCode datatype 'CS' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'CE' <-- Update to CV
CLASS: ObservationMedia
ATTTRIBUTE: languageCode datatype 'CS' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'CE' <-- Update to CV
CLASS: Organizer
ATTTRIBUTE: classCode code/domain 'x_ActClassDocumentEntryOrganizer' does not have a description. <-- Warning only: really a vocab problem, not RMIM
CLASS: ParentDocument
ATTTRIBUTE: versionNumber datatype 'INT' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'ST' <-- Update to ST.SIMPLE
CLASS: Procedure
ATTTRIBUTE: languageCode datatype 'CS' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'CE' <-- Update to CV
CLASS: RegionOfInterest
ATTTRIBUTE: code datatype 'CS' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'CD' <-- Update to CV
CLASS: Section
ATTTRIBUTE: confidentialityCode ConceptDomain:'x_BasicConfidentialityKind' does not exist in the vocabulary definitions <-- Update to V:x_BasicConfidentialityKind
ATTTRIBUTE: languageCode datatype 'CS' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'CE' <-- Update to CV
CLASS: StructuredBody
ATTTRIBUTE: confidentialityCode ConceptDomain:'x_BasicConfidentialityKind' does not exist in the vocabulary definitions <-- Update to V:x_BasicConfidentialityKind
ATTTRIBUTE: languageCode datatype 'CS' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'CE' <-- Update to CV
CLASS: SubstanceAdministration
ATTTRIBUTE: code ConceptDomain:'SubstanceAdministrationActCode' does not exist in the vocabulary definitions <-- ?? Best candidate: D:ActSubstanceAdministrationCode
CLASS: PlayingEntity
ATTTRIBUTE: quantity datatype 'SET<PQ>' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'PQ' <-- Update to PQ
CLASS: LanguageCommunication
ATTTRIBUTE: languageCode datatype 'CS' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'CE' <-- Update to CV
CLASS: Authenticator
ATTTRIBUTE: signatureCode datatype 'CS' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'CE' <-- Update to CV
CLASS: LegalAuthenticator
ATTTRIBUTE: signatureCode datatype 'CS' is not a valid restriction from RIM datatype 'CE' <-- Update to CV
CLASS: HealthCareFacility
ATTTRIBUTE: code ConceptDomain:'ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType' does not exist in the vocabulary definitions <-- Update to V:ServiceDeliveryLocationRoleType
CLASS: RelatedSubject
ATTTRIBUTE: classCode code/domain 'x_DocumentSubject' does not have a description. <-- Warning only: really a vocab problem, not RMIM
CLASS: Name externalActChoice does not start with an upper-case alphabetic character. <-- Update to uppercase
CLASS: Name externalActChoice_comp4_1 does not start with an upper-case alphabetic character. <-- Update to uppercase
CLASS: Name clinicalStatement does not start with an upper-case alphabetic character. <-- Update to uppercase
CLASS: Name clinicalStatement_comp4_1 does not start with an upper-case alphabetic character. <-- Update to uppercase
CLASS: Name bodyChoice does not start with an upper-case alphabetic character. <-- Update to uppercase
CLASS: Name informantChoice does not start with an upper-case alphabetic character.