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2014-12-08 Rx Conf Call

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  • Marla Albitz (Scribe)
  • Scott Robertson
  • Stephen Chu
  • John Hatem (Chair)
  • Hugh Glover
  • Tom de Jong



  • Jean's 12/8/2014 email about his time availability for this work and his current status.
  • Profiles for C-CDA will not be balloted until May, which gives more time.
  • Per Lloyd, only spelling changes can be made. This will give us a chance to regroup at the next WG. We can decide who can do the work and how we will divide the tasks. Tom may have time to work on this at the time of January meeting.

CDA Template work

  • John reported: Work has not advanced since last meeting.


  • No listserv traffic to address.

Jose 2.9 issue

  • Scott interacted with Jose on this subject through email.
  • Jose requested to use RDS(Dispense) without patient specific information, Scott agreed this can be done, but noted this was not the original intent of the message construct.
  • Scott's input provides Jose with the information he needed to move his work forward.
  • No action items on this issue.

Agenda for January WG meeting

  • John took the group through the tentative agenda.
  • No meetings on Friday, January 23rd.
  • Scott will be there Monday and Thursday.
  • John, Hugh will be there all four days.
Action Item: Group will update wiki with their available each day of the January WG meeting.
Action Item:  Stephen Chu to send group a project/initiative description for work group consideration. (Limited distribution for now, only Rx Group, not general listserv)

Next meeting - December 22, 2014 at 1600hr Eastern