2011-03-01 Rx Conf Call
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Rob Hallowell (chair), Hugh Glover (notes), Vassil Peytchev Tanya Achilles, John Hatem, Wendy Huang , Ana Estelrich, Julie James, Jean-Henri Duteau
Report on Action Items
Outstanding from 2011-01-25
- Minutes
- Rob will post minutes and embed presentations within it.
- Progress with Successful Ballots:
- Topic Editors (mainly Jean-Henri and Hugh) will make the necessary content changes (park until 27th Feb)
- Pharmacy Intro for the Wiki
- Hugh - will use any introductory material people can provide to try drafting an introduction.
- John and Tanya may have some content and send it if possible
- Hugh to ask Tom if there is any Dutch content
- Hugh to see if the UK MIM might have useable content
Completed from 2011-02-22
- All action items were completed
Medication Statement/Administration Ballot
Give messages
Neither Rob nor Vassil found anything that uses the RGV segments.
Review of Dynamic Content
Hugh did a walk through of the dynamic models constructed following the out of cycle meeting. Some typos were pointed out but generally the models were approved. The one observation was that the Nullify interaction is served by a generic Retract Message in Canada and the consensus was the ballot could follow this pattern. Action: Hugh to change
Tanya and Wendy discussed revisions to proposal. The group had some difficulty in understanding the difference between the two situations being covered. Further discussion suggested that wider reorganisation of the AbortReason code might help clarity. Wendy willing to restructure but need help from Pharmacy. A fundamental question is whether this is a Canadian specific requirement - a parallel requirement may well exist in the institutional setting suggesting this is not Canadian specific.
Motion: Endorse proposal to move forward to harmonisation meeting. moved Wendy; seconded Tanya 5,2,0 - carried.
Agenda for 8th March
- Report on action items
- Ballot preparation review
- Remaining ballot resolution
- AoB