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2011-03-01 RCRIM Call Minutes

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Meeting Information

HL7 RCRIM Agenda

Location: Dial: 770-657-9270 Passcode: 745896#

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Date: 2011-03-01
Time: 10:00-11:00 am Eastern Time
Facilitator Ed Tripp Note taker(s) Ed Tripp
Attendee Name Affiliation
x Isabelle Dezegher PAREXEL
x Joel Finkle Image Solutions, Inc.
x William Friggle Sanofi Aventis
x Patricia Garvey FDA
x Norman Gregory FDA
x Bron Kisler CDISC
x Tanya Newton SAFE-Biopharma Association
x Ed Tripp Edward S. Tripp and Associates
x Wendy Ver Hoef Scenpro
x Steve Sandberg ScenPro
x Steve Ward Lilly
x Geoff Williams Roche
Quorum Requirements Met: YES
quorum for RCRIM is 10 plus a co-chair


Agenda Topics

  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Approve meeting minutes from 2011-02-15_RCRIM_Call_Minutes
  3. SAIF Status Update
  4. Review and approve RPSr3 Revised Project Scope Statement
  5. Other Items

Supporting Documents
SAIF Status Update

RPSr3 Revised Project Scope Statement


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. Agenda review and approval
    The status of RPS Ballot was added to the agenda following the SAIF Update
  2. Approval of meeting minutes
    Minutes from 2010-02-15 were unanimously approved
  3. SAIF Status Update
    Ed Tripp presented the SAIF Update (see supporting Documents)
    It was suggested that we add a detailed overview of SAIF to the WGM Agenda and a Future Teleconference.
    Ed Tripp will take the action item to place this on the appropriate agendas
  4. RPSr3 Ballot Status
    Joel "unofficially" reported that RPSr3 will not be going to ballot in May and will be scheduled for ballot in the September ballot cycle. Ed Tripp will await publication of the RPSr3 Leadership Meeting Minutes before withdrawing the ballot from this cycle.
  5. Review and approve RPSr3 Revised Project Scope Statement
    The document (see supporting documents) was reviewed and it was agreed that more time was necessary to review the document prior to approval. Since there are conflicting meetings that would limit participation on March 15th it was agreed that the vote to approve the Project scope statement would be placed on the 2011-03-29 agenda.
  6. Other Items
  • Adjourned 10:25 am Eastern.

Meeting Outcomes

Action Item Owner Due Date
Place SAIF Overview on WGM and Future Teleconference Agenda Ed Tripp 2011-03-06
Place RPSr3 PSS on 2011-03-29 agenda Ed Tripp 2011-03-06
Follow up with Barry Brown on aECGr2 Project Scope Ed Tripp 2011-03-06
Amend Project Scope Statement for CDISC to Message Patty Garvey 2011-03-15

Next Meeting Preliminary Agenda Items

  1. Agenda review and approval
  2. Approve meeting minutes from 2011-03-01 RCRIM Call Minutes
  3. aECGr2 Project Scope (tentative)
  4. Other Items

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