MHWG Consumer Mobile Health Application Functional Framework,
Project Lead: Tim McKay
- Gora Datta
- Matthew Graham
- Harry Rhodes
This project (Consumer Mobile Health Application Functional Framework, AKA Consumer Mobile App Framework)will define security, privacy and data standards for secure mobile health applications (apps). The intent is to provide industry guidance and common methods to enable the development of mobile health smartphone apps targeted to consumers/citizens that use protected health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII). These standards will not address the content of such apps, but will provide a framework for security, privacy and the integration of data generated from apps into Personal Health Record (PHR) and Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems as well as into other types of data repositories (e.g., personal data stores, population care systems).
This project will reuse conformance criteria already available within the HL7 PHR-S and EHR-S Functional Models, augmenting with new conformance criteria specific to mobile platforms (e.g., use of geolocation services, accelerometers, cameras, microphones).
In particular, standards will address the following areas:
- Privacy policy, terms of use, and in-app disclaimers
- User, device, and cross-system authentication
- Authorization to content and features
- Proxy designations
- Use of location services, camera, accelerometers and other smartphone services
- Security of data at rest (local and cloud)
- Security of data in transit (wired and wireless)
- Minimum data standards for device generated and device transmitted information
- Record system reliability; record authenticity (it is what it represents to be)
- Data provenance
- Audit
- Standards related to discontinuation of use of an app
Project Scope Statement
File:PSS Consumer Mobile Health App Framework 20150217.pdf
Standing meetings are every Monday at 2 PM Pacific (5 PM Eastern)
Phone: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 465623
A two-day face-to-face meeting will be held in Oakland, CA on April 27/28, 2015, hosted by Kaiser Permanente. The intent of the meeting is to jump-start work as to meet an August 1 deadline for submission of the Framework for a comment-only ballot for the HL7 September 2015 Ballot Cycle.
For more information, or to RSVP, please contact Tim McKay at: 1.303.349.5927
Meeting specifics:
Dates: Apr 27 (11:30 AM to 4 PM) & 28 (8:30 AM to 4 PM), 2015
Venue: Kaiser Permanente (KP) offices at: 1 Kaiser Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612
These offices are 4 blocks from the 19th Street Oakland BART (Metro) station with direct connections to San Francisco and Oakland International Airports.
On Monday the 27th the meeting will be on the 24th Floor in the Bayside Video Room (#2412)
On Tuesday the 28th, the meeting will be on the 24th Floor in the Lakeside Conference Room (#2465)
Both days: Notify personnel at the lobby desk that you are attending a Kaiser meeting on the 24th Floor. You will need to go to the 22nd Floor to check-in and obtain a visitor badge before going to the meeting room.
File:HL7 Consumer Mobile Framework Overview v20150406.pptx
File:HL7 Consumer Mobile App Framework Minutes v20140406.docx
File:HL7 Consumer Mobile App Framework Minutes v20140413.docx