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2015-04-10 HSI Call

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Home Healthcare Standards Integration (HSI)

Meeting Information

HL7 HSI Meeting Minutes

Location: Webex: 928 641 411

Date: 2015-04-10
Time: 11:00 pm CT
Facilitator . Note taker(s) John Moehrke
Attendee Name Affiliation
x John Moehrke GE
. Laura Heermann Langford (co-chair) Intermountain Healthcare
. George Cole Allscripts
. Gila Pyke Cognaissance Inc
x Dave Pyke Cognaissance Inc
. Emma Jones Allscripts
. Keith Boone GE
x Rob Horn Agfa
x Elliot Silver McKesson
. Elliott Lavy Quadramed
. Didi Davis HealtheWay
x Todd Cooper (co-chair) Center for Medical Interoperability
. John Donnelly (co-chair) JMS Healthcare
x Mary Jungers IHE
. Maro Damarmels Lake Griffin LLC
x Riki Merrick Vernetzt LLC
Quorum Requirements Met: yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Approve Agenda
  2. Approve Past minutes
  3. Agenda for the HL7 WGM in Paris
  4. New Business?

Supporting Documents

  1. see HL7 gForge tracker of open HSI items
  2. IHE proposed topics for joint WG
  3. IHE Supply Discussion


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

  1. TBD

Meeting Outcomes

  • .
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  • .

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