Conference call minutes 19 March 2015
Health Concern Topic
Patient Care WG
March 19, 2015
- Michael Tan – Chair
- Elaine Ayres - Scribe
- Jay Lyle
- Stephen Chu
- David Pyke
Participation Information Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 943377
Web Meeting Info Meeting number 239 836 807
Ballot reconciliation
The ballot comments on comments 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 en 27 have been discussed in a previous conference call, but could not approved due to lack of quorum. In this session we do have a quorum and therefore a motion was moved by Larry to approve the dispositions of these comment lines. IT seconded by Jay.
Votes: 2 approve, 0 against, 2 abstain.
A copy of the ballot reconciliation spreadsheet can be found here File:Total Reconciliationspreadsheet.xlsx
Review of January 2015 diagram
- We discussed the model which was developed in San Antonio:
- A problem or an allergy is not automatically a concern to a care provider or patient. This very much depends on the specialization and interest of the concerned person. An example is an anorexia patient that does not regard her weight as a problem, but care provider and family do.
- an allergy has a different informational structure than a problem and an allergy list is therefore different than a problem list, as it is displaying an allergen to which the patient is allergic.
- a debate aroused about the distinction between a concern list and problem or allergy list.
- in Larry's view most EMR, PHR only register problems or allergies. It is the selection of these problems by a (concerned) viewer that makes it a concern to a care provider or patient.
- a concern list can be seen as an virtual view of a list of problems or allergies.
We decide to remove the health concern list. Jay will redraw the diagram and the new diagram will be discussed in the next call.
The document of the old model can be found here. [[1]]
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