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Category:Nursing Informatics 2016 Showcase

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Nursing Electronic Health Record Applications, Devices and Apps Communicating Patient Data Electronically using HL7 standards & IHE profiles

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HL7 Nurses Work Group joint with HL7 PCWG EHRWG, CICWG and Association NI2016, IMIA-NI, HIMSS & IHE . Nursing applications using interoperability standards connectathon and showcase during the 13th international Nursing Informatics Conference 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.

Project Overview

This project will develop and test during various connectathons a showcase of interoperable nursing applications, deploying various interoperability standards from HL7 and IHE. The showcase will deploy both new resources and existing resources with, if needed, suggestions of modification that come out of connectathons.

These resources will be defined using the available interoperability resources, tooling and in accordance with documented quality guidelines.

The project will deploy a set of HL7 and other resources, including but not limited to:

  • HL7 v3 Care Record Message with Basic Patient and Provider Data (in particular CMETs Person, Patient, Provider, Professional, all universal) and specified Nursing Content.
  • HL7 v3 CDA examples, in particular from the German test sites, for nursing content.
  • Domain Analysis Models for Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Care Plan, Concern and Medical Devices, where implementable.
  • HL7 v3 Assessment Scale DSTU for Braden Scale and Pain scale.
  • Detailed Clinical Models length, weight (published), vitals signs, such as heart rate, and Braden Scale and Pain Scale.
  • HL7 v3 Care Plan R-MIM (if this can be converted into v3 message content.
  • If implementable: FHIR resource for Care Plan and other to be determined resources that fit nursing care.
  • The selection of the specific and feasible set of the above potential sources is part of the project.

Project Need

Project Success Criteria

Currently Out of Scope

Project Leadership

Donald T. Mon, PhD

EHR Workgroup Co-Chair(s)

Don Mon

Meeting Information

Project Documents

Reference Material

Project Status

to be completed...


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Current Activities

to be completed...

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