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ITS RDF ConCall Agenda

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W3C Clinical Observations Interoperability

Weekly joint teleconference of the HL7 ITS subgroup on RDF for Semantic Interoperability and the W3C Healthcare and Life Sciences group on Clinical Observations Interoperability.

See also Work Projects

Agenda for San Antonio Face-to-Face Meetings

No weekly teleconference on Tue 20-Jan-2015 due to San Antonio F2F meeting.

1. Meeting with ITS (9-10:30am Mon Jan 19, San Antonio)

  • To join the meeting by teleconferece, call +1 617 761 6200, Code 5741.
  • TODO: Scribe volunteer needed!
  • (David) Briefly review goals of RDF subgroup
  • (Claude) Show example of using RDF to merge and federate FHIR data
  • (David) FHIR RDF / Ontology status
  • (David) Planning the road ahead
    • What should be our focus? FHIR first, then what?
    • How can we operate better? How can we be most effective? How can we best support other groups wanting to use RDF?
    • E.g., developing RDF conventions? Uusing RDF and OWL instead of UML? How to express ordering in RDF?

2. Informal FHIR RDF hackathons See participation survey and spreadsheet of people's availability. Outside of our meeting with ITS, those who are available will meet for intensive FHIR RDF/ontology hacking.

  • Sun 7:00pm, Hyatt Main Lobby - (David) Sync up and strategize
  • Mon 11am-12pm - location TBD - (David) FHIR modifier extensions and RDF monotonicity
  • Tue afternoon? - location TBD - (David) FHIR in JSON-LD
  • Tue evening? - (David) FHIR ontology requirements?
  • TBD - (Tony, remotely) Terminology binding in FHIR RDF
  • TBD - (Claude) TripleStore-Backed FHIR Server
  • (Add other FHIR RDF hackathon sessions here)


Tuesdays, 11:00am Eastern US (Boston) time zone
Zakim (W3C teleconference bridge).
Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
VoIP address: 
Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
IRC: port 6665 channel #HCLS 

Screen sharing is courtesy of Claude Nanjo:
  Access Code: 157-514-853

See also:


Draft agenda for next teleconference

  1. Role call and agenda
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meeting: Jan 13
  3. Review of Action Items
    1. ACTION: Claude to work up use case example of RDF benefit to present in San Antonio [recorded in]
    2. ACTION: JohnMattison to provide example CCDA for trying with ShEx [recorded in]
  4. FHIR Ontology Requirements?
  5. Other agenda?
  6. Adjourn

Work Projects

Moved to RDF for Semantic Interoperability home page