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ITS RDF ConCall Agenda

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Weekly joint teleconference of the HL7 ITS subgroup on RDF for Semantic Interoperability and the W3C Healthcare and Life Sciences group on Clinical Observations Interoperability.

DRAFT Agenda for 23-Dec-2014

See also ITS Work Group Agenda

This teleconference will continue with discussion of FHIR ontology requirments.

  1. Role call and agenda
  2. Approve Minutes of previous meeting
    1. Dec 16
  3. Review of Action Items
  4. Discuss FHIR Ontology Requirements
  5. Other agenda?
  6. Adjourn

Teleconference Details

Tuesdays, 11:00am Eastern US (Boston) time zone
Zakim (W3C teleconference bridge).
Dial-In #: +1.617.761.6200 (Cambridge, MA)
VoIP address: 
Participant Access Code: 4257 ("HCLS")
IRC: port 6665 channel #HCLS 

Screen sharing is courtesy of Claude Nanjo:
  Access Code: 157-514-853

See also:


  • Discuss use cases (when Guoqian is available)
  • Jan 6 Frederik Malfait review of PhUSE work
  • Plan San Antonio F2F meeting (Planning to attend: Claude, Paul, Cecil, Charlie, David, Rob, Brian. Anyone else?)

Work Projects

  1. FHIR ontology -- Discussion
    1. Champions: Claude Nanjo, Tony Mallia, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Marc Twagirumukiza, Hans Cools
      1. Discuss FHIR Ontology Requirements
      2. Use JSON-LD?
  2. ICD-11 and SNOMED -- Discussion
    1. Champions: Tony Mallia, Daniel Karlsson, Hans Cools
    2. ACTION: Tony to find out more details about how iCat handles ICD-11 ont and report back [recorded in]
  3. Use Cases -- Discussion
    1. Champions: Guoqian Jiang, others?
    2. COI Use cases on W3C wiki
    3. ACTION: Guoqian to figure out whether he can share URI conventions for ICD-11 [recorded in]
    4. Goals of use cases
      1. Drive and unify diverse efforts, e.g., FHIR ontology
    5. Kinds of use cases desired
      1. Simple enough for use in slide presentations
      2. Realistic enough to be convincing
    6. Use case ideas
      1. Migration of CCDA to FHIR (EricP)
      2. Utility on FHIR RDF that would motivate mapping of FHIR XML to FHIR RDF (EricP)
    7. Wiki page
    8. Next steps?
  4. PhUSE-FDA project (formerly CDISC2RDF) -- Discussion
    1. Champions: Kerstin_Forsberg, Ingeborg, Tim Williams, (and Charlie Mead?)
    2. ACTION: Kerstin and Ingeborg to prepare a status and future state ideas for PhUSE-FDA work [recorded in]
  5. C-CDA RDF representations -- Discussion
    1. Champions: Eric Prud'hommeaux, Joshua Phillips
    2. ACTION: Eric to establish/make a wiki page for C-CDA RDF representations work [recorded in]
    3. ACTION: Eric and Joshua to report on C-CDA RDF representations work plan [recorded in] -- PENDING? (On Dec 16 call I thought Eric said this was done pending review, but I cannot seem to find it.)
  6. High-level concept mapping to RDF (AR typeCodes, etc.) -- Discussion
    1. Champions: Tony Mallia, Rob Hausam
    2. Wiki page for term info work
  7. Other work proposed work items?