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HL7 Patient Friendly Consent Directive Project
Revision as of 18:22, 16 December 2014 by Kathleenconnor (talk | contribs)
To track the progress of the HL7 Patient Friendly Language Consent Directive Project [PFL]
FHIR PFL Artifacts
FHIR Contract Resource and FHIR Consent Directive profile (aka conformance package)" Dec. 15, 2014 New Continuous Build for Mau 2015 DSTU
- FHIR Contract Resource from FM WG
- FHIR Consent Directive, which is a refinement of the Consent Directive approved for submission to the Jan. 2015 "for comment ballot"
The incomplete FHIR Contract Resource and FHIR Consent Directive profile submitted to the "for comment ballot" in January
- FHIR Consent Directive
- FHIR Contract, which is an FM WG Artifact
- FHIR Digital Signer Types, which is not the Document Signer Type value set intended for thr FHIR Contract or Consent Directive. It's the signer types for digital signatures from ASTM and inapplicable to these FHIR artifacts, which is using Document Signature as described on the [ FHIR Digital Signature Working Page
FHIR Contract Resource and FHIR Consent Directive profile (aka conformance package)" Dec. 2, 2014
- FHIR Consent Directive Suite Project
- FHIM Contract Privacy Security Consent Directive Policy DAM updates
- FHIR Encrypt Resource
- FHIR Contract Resource
Consent Directive Examples
- Florida Share All Consent Directive
- Florida Share Partial Consent Directive
- XACML and GUI for 42 CFR samples