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Marketing San Diego Agenda

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Revision as of 18:42, 23 August 2005 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs) (add details of agenda)
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Marketing Agenda

The Marketing Comittee will meet in San Diego at the following times:

Tuesday Breakfast (07:30-08:30)

  • The breakfast meeting covers all Marketing related topics and is specifically aimed at those who have an interest in Marketing aspects of HL7, but who are inable to attend during the regular quarters. This is a brainstorming meeting. Topics will include:
  1. Sratus update on the new draft HL7 Mission Statement.
  2. Review of the Marketing presentation made to the International Affiliates.
  3. Review of the Marketing plan and the recommendations to the HL7 board (which meets later on Tuesday).
  4. Status update on Communications/PR issues from HL7 HQ.
  5. Status update on the Normative Edition 2005.

Wednesday Q1

  1. Formal approval of the Minutes of the January and May WGMs. See the minutes page of the Marketing committee.
  2. Feedback from the HL7 Board and the International Affiliates related to the draft marketing plan.
  3. Detailed discussion of the HL7 Marketing plan.
  4. Open action items, as posted in the last set of Minutes available on the documents page of the Marketing committee.
  5. Value proposition documents for HL7v3 and CDA.

Wednesday Q2

  • "Education" has been identified in the Marketing plan as one of the core HL7 products. This quarter is an (inofficial joint) meeting with members of the Education comittee.
  1. Review of the Education related parts of the Marketing plan.
  2. Other planned agenda items from Q1 which haven't been discussed.
  3. Planned timeslot for Marketing teleconferences.