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ITS RDF Concall Minutes 20141104
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Return to: ITS Main Page > ITS RDF ConCall Agenda ITS Meeting Minutes > 2014
ITS RDF Teleconference - 04-Nov-2014
Present: Lloyd_McKenzie, Kerstin_Forsberg, Rafael, DaleNelson_, PKnapp, Rob_Hausam, mscottm, Guoqian, Sal, Tony, Josh, Claude_Nanjo, ratnesh, mehmet, egombocz, Vipul, RRSAgent, Souri, hcools, TallTed, cloudcell, ericP_Souri, Josh, Bryn, RafaelRichards, Tony, LaurieWoodrome
Quorum met: Yes
Chair: EricP
Scribe: Claude_Nanjo, ericP
Meeting log: