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OO CR172-832 OBX Grouping

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Revision as of 20:10, 29 October 2014 by Riki merrick (talk | contribs)
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Submitted by: Hans Buitendijk Revision date: <<Revision Date>>
Submitted date: October 15, 2014 Change request ID: 172-832
Standard/IG: Standard Artifact ID, Name:



See OBX Grouping for proposed approach.




Recommended Action Items


From notes 10/16/2014: Motion to adopt this text for chapter 2: In the “snapshot” mode, a group of repeating segments from the incoming message replaces the prior group of repeating segments on the receiving system. This is equivalent to a deletion of the prior group followed by the addition of the new group. The snapshot mode is the usual mode in Version 2.2 and 2.1 implementations of HL7, but it is also available for Version 2.3 and future versions. To specify "delete all of the segments in this repeating group" in the snapshot mode, send a single segment with “delete data” indicated for all fields. Since messages may contain multiple, possibly nested, groups, it is critically important to understand which group(s) are subject to snapshot mode. For example, a results message may include results for multiple patients. Whether snapshot applies to all the patients in the entire message, all the order-observations within one patient, or all the observations within one order-observation group must be agreed to by the trading partners, or otherwise specified in a conformance profile. Jonathan Harber, Riki Merrick - further discussion: This would be applicable to any profiles, whether HL7, IHE, or others. - VOTE: Against: 0; Abstain: 5; In Favor: 10 Forward to InM for approval, since this is their chapter.