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CQ San Diego co-chair schedule

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Revision as of 06:40, 17 August 2005 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs) (Grahame sched changes)
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This page contains the schedule for the co-chairs for the agenda of the San Diego WGM. It is the companion page to the CQ San Diego Agenda published agenda.

Ideally all chairs should scribe 3 sessions, and chair 3 sessions.

Quarter Topic Chair Scribe Not available
MON Q1 Plenary
MON Q2 Plenary
MON Q3 Meeting Overview, XML (last 30 min) ? Tony Joann, Doug
MON Q4 v2 issues ? Tony Joann,Doug
MON Evening TSC Tony,Rene
TUE Breakfast pre-ARB co-chair meeting Rene(marketing)
TUE Q1 Registry Project ? outsource Tony(pubs)
TUE Q2 v3 ballots/proposals ? Rene Tony(pubs)
TUE Q3 v3 ballots/proposals ? Rene Tony(pubs)
TUE Q4 Security TC ? Doug Rene(board)
WED Breakfast pre-pubs, pre-roundtable meeting
WED Q1 Abstract Transports ? Grahame Rene(marketing)
WED Q2 Webservices R2 ? Joann Rene(marketing)
WED Q3 v2 Vocab ? Tony Rene(tutorial)
WED Q4 v3 Vocab ? ? Rene(tutorial)
THU Q1 XML SIG ? Grahame Tony(pubs)
THU Q2 Transports(may change) ? ? Tony(pubs)
THU Q3 v3 datatypes ? ? Tony(pubs)
THU Q4 Hot Topics ? Doug Tony(pubs)
THU Evening Roundtable Sandy,Rene Grahame(travel)
FRI Q1/Q2 Wrap-up ? Doug Grahame(travel)

Post-meeting activities:

  • Minutes Compilation: Tony
  • Action-item followup: Tony