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July 29, 2014 Security WG Conference Call

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Revision as of 20:55, 30 July 2014 by Rgrow (talk | contribs) (→‎Agenda)
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Meeting Information

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x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
x Mike DavisSecurity Co-chair . John MoehrkeSecurity Co-chair . Trish WilliamsSecurity Co-chair . Bernd BlobelSecurity Co-chair
. Chris Clark . Johnathan ColemanCBCC Co-Chair x Kathleen Connor x Duane DeCouteau
x Reed Gelzer . Suzanne Gonzales-WebbCBCC Co-chair x Rick Grow x David Henkel
. Mohammed Jafari . Don Jorgenson . Alexander Mense . Amanda Nash
. Paul PetronelliMobile Health Security Co-chair x Diana Proud-Madruga . Harry Rhodes . Aaron Seib
. Ioana Singureanu . Walter Suarez x Tony Weida . Paul PetronellimHealth Co-chair
. Julia Chan . Steve Hufnagel . Gary Dickinson . .

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approval of Meeting Minutes
  2. (10 min) Vocabluary Alignment PSS Deliverables
  3. (10 min) Update on Patient Friendly Language PSS
  4. (10 min) Agenda Item
  5. (10 min) Review of FHIR dispositions - review/discussion - ongoing
  6. (05 min) Other business, action items, and adjournment

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Approval of Past Meeting Minutes

  • The Security WG unanimously approved the minutes from last week's teleconference on July 22, 2014.

EHR, Security, and Privacy Operations Vocabulary Alignment project

  • Issue at hand: whether or not to create a DAM for one of the deliverables.
    • Decided to defer this issue to the EHR Interoperability WG, which will determine if going forward with a DAM is appropriate.
  • Decision was made to rephrase the vocabulary alignment as a "joint vocabulary taxonomy glossary."

ACTION TAKEN: The latest version has been sent to the EHR Interoperability and Security WG members for comment and feedback.

Update on Patient Friendly Security and Privacy Language PSS

  • A negative comment was received regarding how the consent directive FHIR resource fits in as part of the consent criteria.

ACTION ITEM (1): Suzanne will reach out to John Moehrke in order to satisfactorily resolve the comment, which may include placing an additional FMG into the FHIR portion of the PSS.

ACTION ITEM (2): After resolving the negative, Suzanne will return the PSS to Melva Peters.

Review of FHIR dispositions

  • Issue at hand: how to handle the sensitivity labels.
    • Mike: "It sounds like we’re trying to specify a technology solution to cover a policy requirement. You can put sensistive information in the header. There may be information in the header that you want to put in there."

ACTION ITEM: Mike, Kathleen and Duane will talk about this offline and figure out a proposed approach.

--Rgrow (talk) 20:54, 30 July 2014 (UTC)