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20140730 FMG concall

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HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes


(voice and screen)

Date: 2014-07-30
Time: 1:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: LLoyd Note taker(s): Lynn
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs x David Hay x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio Woody Beeler,
Dave Shaver
FGB Co-chairs
. John Quinn, CTO
Members Members Members Observers/Guests
regrets Hans Buitendijk regrets Hugh Glover x Paul Knapp x Lynn Laakso, scribe
x Josh Mandel x John Moehrke x Brian Pech


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 20140723_FMG_concall
  • Administrative
    • Action items
      • Andy will take a look at the security fix on the objective C reference implementation (Lloyd will poke him again)
      • Hans will review the list for Liaison responsibility review/ transfer from Lorraine to identify some with whom he can swap as there are some of Lorraine's he's not interested in.
      • check that RP’s for current proposal have correct owner and approve as block. (David)
  • Discussion
  • Reports
  • Process management
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


  • Agenda Check - no quorum initially; start with a discussion topic. Add Grahame's request for DSTU update. Add discussion on next DSTU timing. David moves approval as amended; JohnM seconds. Unanimously approved.
    • Registries update (Lloyd) see David's suggestions for FHIR_Registry_Requirements and confirm with Paul; Lloyd's responses to Paul are acceptable, need to be included in the wiki page.
      • SHALLs in the design requirements reviewed. Paul defers his comments on such requirements to the Electronic Services and Tools group.
      • Review of Subscription-specific requirements;
      • Motion for FMG to approve requirements by Paul seconded by JohnM; unanimously approved.
  • Josh joins
  • Minutes from 20140723_FMG_concall David moves and JohnM seconds approval; unanimously approved
  • DSTU Update - email from Grahame 7/25
    • Proposes change to the license; new license is standard Creative Commons license.
    • Motion: JohnM moves seeking the DSTU Update, seconded by Paul. Paul asks where this will be stood up for review prior to production? Presumably the development site, before freezing for September connectathon? The 7th is the opening of the draft for comment site in ballot as well as connectathon.
    • Brian and John and Josh comment that they did not appear to receive the email - Grahame is not on the FMG list and apparently cannot post to FMG
    • Vote: Unanimously approved. 6/0/0 - Lynn will forward the publication request to the TSC
  • DSTU Timing: if they go with the double ballot with impacts on ONC it was recommended to be discussed at the US Realm Task Force.
    • Recap and Discussion from FMG list thread "2nd DSTU timeline"
      1. Drop the current Sept. 21s "QA" deadline where WG content is supposed to be frozen as we won't plan to do a formal QA cycle prior to the Jan. ballot. (This will actually be helpful for SDC as it will give us more time to do ballot reconciliation from the Draft for Comment ballot.)
      2. Have a limited QA deadline around Dec. 5th where the objective after that is to get the build to run cleanly and fix spelling and grammar errors
      3. Ballot opens Dec. 12th. Ballot will include all content intended for publication in the second DSTU, though not all of it will be "complete" and really ready for implementation
      4. Ballot closes Jan 12, 2015. Work groups undertake reconciliation and finalization of their remaining content working toward a QA deadline of around March 30th. This may include some feedback from the NPRM
      5. Formal QA and updates occur with second ballot opening around Apr. 3 and closing May 4th. (This can include any comments submitted as part of the NPRM - incorporating NPRM feedback after May 4th gets tricky)
      6. Reconciliation occurs at the Paris WGM and afterward on calls. Target will be to complete reconciliation within ~2 months (so beginning of July), then have a final QA on the ballot and publish around the end of July. Depending on the volume of comments, it's possible this could shift as late as the end of August
    • Does ONC still need the material in this timeline. Does ONC need to be treated differently for the resources they need versus the entire suite of resources intended for FHIR.
    • Final content due Sep 21 with formal 2 week QA, to ballot in January and publish end of March. If they ballot again in May then the "gold standard" content must be ready by March 30. It's not solely due to ONC but feedback from the WGs has been that they need more time and there is a great deal of feedback to incorporate.
    • Take to US Realm Task Force for their comment and feedback.
    • Motion: Paul moves and JohnM Seconds endorsement of the approach; send to TSC also as well as US Realm. At what point do we send it to the Work Groups? After consideration by TSC. Lloyd will write up the language and send to Paul and cc Ken and Lynn.
  • Administrative
  • Discussion
    • Project Approval Request for Definition of Record-Entry Lifecycle-Event Metadata (using FHIR) for EHR WG of SSD SD at Project Insight # 1126 - we have not received an update from them. John will follow up to see if we need an updated PSS.
    • Approval for PSS for DSTU2 to send to TSC; Motion: David moves and JohnM seconds updated PSS with revised dates.
      • discussion on sponsor as FMG or some other direction from TSC
      • Vote: unanimously approved.
    • naming conventions review in GOM for FHIR specifications - updates to our naming conventions. (Tracker 3283)
      • optionality of Work Group/Domain name edited.
      • Paul moves and John M seconds; unanimously approved.

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

20140806 FMG concall

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