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Trauma Registry Minutes 21 July 2014

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Revision as of 20:09, 21 July 2014 by Jlyle (talk | contribs) (→‎minutes)
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Back to Trauma Registry


  • Jay Lyle, Ockham, PM
  • Sarah Ryan, Ockham
  • Andy Brown, ESO
  • Troy Whipple, ImageTrend
  • Jody Summers, CDM
  • Grant Dittmer, DI
  • Chrystal Caden-Price, ACS


  • Jody's questions
  • Chicago agenda


  • Chicago agenda & test readiness
    • As posted last meeting. We have generated test content and a validator
  • Questions
    • Should datetime always include offset?
      • It should, but it's ok to send without. But the assumption is that a time without an offset is GMT.
    • What's a document id? It's not in NTDS.
      • NTDS currently identifies a record with "patient id." This should be the "setId" in CDA--it will stay consistent from version to version. VersionNumber should be a serial number. And can be whatever you want, as long as it uniquely identifies the document instance within the namespace of the OID.
      • TBD: if we have a distinguishing Document.effectiveTime (last modified date/time), do we really need the "versionNumber"?
    • How do we represent null values?
      • Use the nullFlavor attribute. For Observation.value, you still must specify the type, but no other attributes; e.g.,
        • <value xsi:type="PQ" nullFlavor="NA" />
      • The two flavors we use will be HL7 null flavor "NA" (not applicable) for NTDS "1" (not applicable) and HL7 null flavor "UNK" (unknown) for NTDS "2" (not known/not recorded).
      • This guidance will be added to the guide.

Open Action Items

  • Jay - identify correct value sets for FIPS/GNIS

Closed Action Items