ITS Concall Minutes 20140708
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ITS Teleconference - June 24, 2014
Present: Dale Nelson (DN), Paul Knapp (PK), Andy Stechishin (AS), James Agnew (JA), Brian Pech (BP), Julie Chan (JC)
Quorum met: Yes
Chair: PK
Scribe: AS
- Role call and agenda
- Approve Minutes of previous meetings July 1
- Announcements
- List of impacted Standard for Datatype Schematron Errata
- Also need to start work on Errata
- Action Item Update
- Update RIM Serialization for Publishing
- Last action: PK will prepare Publication Request for April 29, 2014 teleconference
- Review of Product Briefs
- Schedule on agenda of May 2014 WGM
- HL7 over HTTP
- AS will update PSS for new schedule and scope
- PK will investigate registering the mime-types described in HL7 over HTTP
- PK will submit the NIB
- ITS 1.1
- AS will update the PSS
- PK will manage the submission of NIBs
- Update RIM Serialization for Publishing
- Next Meeting
- Adjourn
Called to order at 2:02 pm Eastern
Minute Approval July 1
- Motion: Approve July 1 as posted AS/DN unanimous
Next teleconference conflicts with Harmonization
Motion: Cancel the teleconference for July 15 As/DN unanimous
Steering Division Co-Chair
DN assumed chairing the meeting at this point
Motion: Cast vote for Paul Knapp as steering division co-chair AS/BP 4-0-1 Paul Knapp abstained
Datatype Schematron Errata
PK assumed the chair position at this point
Will try to get the publishing errata template to craft the errata on the July 22 call.
Note: will also need to create errata for HL7 II URN
AS will validate process on Publishing call
Action Items
- Publication request for RIM Serialization
- * PK will put this together
- Review Products
- *for Sept WGM
- HL7 over HTTP
- NIB has been submitted
- Reviewed the most recent edits, JA will send the updated copy to AS and he will post to the ballot preview site for review
- Add agenda item on July 22 to approve ballot preview items
Meeting adjourned at 3:05 pm Eastern