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Nutrition FHIR Resource Proposal

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Owning committee name

Orders and Observations

Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups

  • Patient Care (Elaine to confirm)
  • Pharmacy

FHIR Resource Development Project Insight ID

Project ID - 1081

Scope of coverage

Nutrition Order resource covers information needed for ordering general and therapeutic diets including enteral nutrition(tube feedings) and nutritional supplements which govern the distribution of food and nutritional products used to feed patients in in-patient healthcare settings. These nutrition orders are combined with information on a patient's food allergies and intolerances, and ethnic or cultural food preferences to inform healthcare personnel about the type, texture, and/or quantity of foods that the patient should receive or consume.

RIM scope


Resource appropriateness

Diet and Nutrition is a critical aspect of human health. Many health conditions require dietary or nutrition modifications. It is essential to share or exchange information about a patient’s nutritional requirements with multiple healthcare providers and with the food and nutrition/catering operations within the healthcare setting.

Expected implementations

Content sources

Example Scenarios

Resource Relationships


gForge Users