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Project Information

Link to Project Insight Searchable Database Entry, which contains:

  • Brief description of project
  • Name the project facilitators, (add contact info if desired)
  • Link to project scope statement
  • Name the project listserv if a special one exists

Meeting Information


  • If balloting, list ballot name/cycle/link
  • If in DSTU, link to DSTU comments page
  • If in development, link to in progress
  • Some projects explicitly list objectives from scope statement and status for each

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Project Documents


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Project Scope Statement

Interdependent Registries Project Scope Statement

Business Requirements

  1. HITSP/IS03 Consumer Empowerment and Access to Clinical Information via Networks V3.1 identified three standards gaps:
    • IER 13 – Request/receive provider information
    • IER 14 – Access/select provider information
    • See section 4.2 GAPS WHERE THERE ARE NO STANDARDS, page 90:
      • Major gap in the specification of a provider registry (if using the HIE variant); its content, privacy issues, organization-provider relationship(s), and organization-organization relationship(s). Also, if this is related to addressing the permissions issue then are there other. organizations/individuals that we need to cover as well. This provider list is required for inclusion in /association to the permissions/access control entries
      • 1. Need to do query/retrieve access with a provider registry (assumes that one exists and is maintained) or do pt-to-pt request (in-person, phone) to a healthcare entity. The entity pushes this info to the consumer (using HITSP/C32).
      • 2. Consumer creates and is capable of communicating this list to others (method for building the relationship to permissions?)
      • Consider payor-provided portals to provider lists for its members as a source of provider list content
    • DR 13 – Provider identification (consumer oriented terminology for provider type role)
      • Provider identification, details, location
      • Superset of HITSP/C32 - Summary Documents Using HL7 Continuity of Care Document (CCD) & C37 - Lab Report Document provider identification, and additional elements as needed for entity resolution
      • Consistent representation of practice sites, nature of practice, all alternatively presented in lay person friendly terms
  2. HITSP/CAP121 Communicate Referral Request Capability identified a gap:
    • Currently no standard available for a provider registry from which to select a provider based on patient preferences or on Health Plan Eligibility. Candidate standards in HL7 and ASC X12 are awaiting harmonization.
  3. The Health Information Technology Policy Committee's Information Exchange Workgoup has identified Provider Directories as a key enabler for nationwide health information exchange.
  4. HIT Policy Committee - Provider Directory Final Recommendations 5/11/2011
  5. HL7 EHR System Functional Model see IN.3 Registry and Directory Services

Business Use Cases

The following are business use cases that rely on interactions between person, patient, provider and organization registries.

  1. Consumer Empowerment: Consumer Access to Clinical Information ONC Use Case
  2. Consultations and Transfers of Care ONC Use Case
  3. Scheduling ONC Use Case
  4. Healthcare Service Directory Use Cases from OMG RFP - new 2010-12-27
  5. NHIN Direct User Stories - these business use case assume the existence of a Healthcare Provider Registry for organizations and individual providers.
  6. Scenarios Copied from HCSPDIR R1 - added 2001-03-22

Related Standards

  1. ASC X12 274 Health Care Provider Directory
  2. ANSI/HL7 V3 Personnel Management, Provider topic - message specification
  3. CMS National Provider Identifier page 3457
  4. HITSP/C83 CDA Content Modules Component – HL7 V3 CDA Healthcare Provider module
  5. HL7 Healthcare, Community Services and Provider Directory - service functional model
  6. HL7 V3 Patient Administration, SDLOC DSTU
  7. IHE Healthcare Provider Directory (based on LDAP and ISO 21091) - draft
  8. ISO/DIS 21091 Health Informatics – Directory services for security, communications and identification of professionals and patients
  9. Medbiquitous Healthcare Professional Profile Schema
  10. OASIS ebXML Registry Information Model v2.0 -new 2010-12-23
  11. OASIS ebXML Registry Services Specification v2.0 -new 2010-12-23
  12. New Zealand HISO 10006 HPI Code Set - new 2011-02-16
  13. New Zealand HISO 10005 HPI Data Sett - new 2011-02-16'

Analysis Documents

  1. HITSP Information Interchange Subcommittee Interface to Provider Directory/Registry Harmonization Project
  2. Healthcare, Community Services and Provider Director Service Functional Profile, Release 1 mapped to HL7 Personnel Management
  3. Analysis of Registry Behavior - new 2010-12-20
  4. HL7 Healthcare, Community Services and Provider Directory mapped to HL7 V3 message standards - new 2011-03-22

May 2010 Ballot: Domain Analysis

The use cases that specify the main use cases regarding the use of registries in complex, inter-dependent ways:

Related Proposals

  1. Patient Registry Additional Query Parameters - approved
  2. AORTA Application Registry Use Case
  3. Person Registry Additional Query Parameter - approved

Meeting Minutes