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CGIT concall 20140407
Revision as of 06:33, 8 April 2014 by Frankoemig (talk | contribs)
Return to IC Conference Calls 2014
Meeting Information
- Date: Monday, April 7, 2014
- Time: 4:00 pm, North America Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
- Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
- Participant Passcode: 644843
- Rob Hausam
- Wendy Huang
- Frank Oemig
- Maria S.
- Rob Snelick (excused)
Agenda Topics
- Welcome/Introductions
- Review and approve Jan 2014 WGM minutes:
- Review Conformance Framework Project Scope Statement (PSS) - Lead: Rob Snelick
- TermInfo Conformance guidance discussion - Lead: Rob Hausam
Approve Jan 2014 WGM minutes
Motion moved by Oemig, seconded by Hausam. Motion approved 1-0-2.
TermInfo conformance guidance discussion
TermInfo has the following sections which may contain conformance information: Section 1.6 Section 1.10 Section 2 - specific sections to be determined, likely with each of the RIM-based attributes. Section 3 Section 5 - need to make sure though it is CDA R2, it is scalable/expandable for other RIM-based artifacts.
How to test conformance with TermInfo is a separate discussion.
Discussion to be continued at May WGM (if Wendy is able to attend).
Meeting was adjourned at 5:01 pm Eastern time.