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Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System
Revision as of 02:12, 25 February 2014 by Kathleenconnor (talk | contribs)
HCS Administrivia
Project Scope Statements
- Updated ConfidentialityCode Refactoring Project Scope Statement with request to move from DSTU and Normative ballot track
- Initial ConfidentialityCode Refactoring Project Scope Statement
HCS Publication Request
HCS Ballot
HCS Sept 2013 Ballot
HCS Sept 2013 Ballot Documents - Pre-submission Review
- Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System (Includes Normative HCS Security Label Field Table)
- Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification Vocabulary (Includes Security Label Value Set OIDs)
- Healthcare Privacy and Security Classification System Guide (Includes background, standards sources, implementation guidance, usage notes, and Security Labeling Service Functional Requirements and logical architecture)
HCS May 2013 Ballot
- Final approved HCS Reconciliation spreadsheet
- Draft HSC Revisions based on May 2013 ballot reconciliation comment dispositions
- HCS Balloting History
HCS Vocabulary Documents
- HCS Privacy and Security Vocabulary Spreadsheet - Contains all the vocabulary used by HCS, DS4P, and SLS.