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Coordination of Care Services Specification Project Meetings
December 10, 2013
Attendees: Enrique Meneses, Stephen Chu, Emma Jones, Laura Heermann Langford, Lisa Nelson, Randy Belknap, Nan Hou
- Reviewed the concept models, including:
- Care Plan Contribution Context
- Care Plan Contribution Context
The comments are captured in the diagrams:
February 18, 2014
Attendees: Enrique meneses, Becky Angeles, Emma Jones, Iona Thraen, Laura Heermann Langford, Les Morgan, Nan Hou, Randy Belknap, Russ Leftwich, Stephen Chu, Susan Campbell
- Stephen Chu reviewed care coordination environment – storyboard
- Team reviewed care team negotiation context
- Discussed mind diagram
- Follow-up items:
- Stephen to revise storyboard
- Enrique to map out the behavioral aspects of the reconciliation in the mind diagram to reflect the revised storyboard