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CDS WG Agenda 2014-01

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Clinical Decision Support Work Group Agenda Jan 2014 Work Group Meeting, San Antonio, TX

Primary CDS Work Group meeting will be from Wed and Thurs

FYI Meetings (not part of CDS WG meetings, but potentially of interest):

Mon Q4: SOA WG has project updates. Claude Nanjo will provide updates on a number of services.

Wed Q1: Joint with SD and CQI, hosted by SD

HQMF R2.x modularization and related topics Ballot Reconciliation (as needed): QIDAM, Metadata, Expression Logic, vMR

Wed Q2: Regular session

Kai from Templates to join first part to discuss vMR Templates and CDS WG member comments on Templates DSTU ballot

vMR ballot reconciliation

Discussion of next steps for HL7 CDS specifications developed under HeD. Example from Phillips on needed extensions/further specifications for DSS IG.

Admin issues, including re-scheduling of recurring WG calls (current Tues 3pm ET slot conflicts with some key stakeholders' schedules)

Wed Q3: Regular session (Chula Vista)

Infobutton and expression language ballot reconciliation

Ken Kawamoto not available

Wed Q4: CDS to join CQI (Rio Grande East)

CDS to join CQI doing QIDAM ballot reconciliation.

NO separate agenda scheduled for the rest of CDS WG.

Wed Q6 (evening): Evening session (Frio conference room, 7-8:30 pm)

Overflow ballot reconciliation (vMR and expression language)

Thurs Q1: CDS to join O&O (Regency East #1) and CQI (Rio Grande East)

CDS representatives to join O&O (hosting Patient Care and CDS). Templates will join (Mark and John confirmed). Topics will include vMR, templates, and Ordering Service ballot reconciliation.

CQI doing QIDAM ballot reconciliation (overflow). CDS reps to join.

NO separate agenda scheduled for the rest of CDS WG.

Thurs Q2: CDS hosts FHIR (Lloyd McKenzie confirmed) (Chula Vista)

- Using FHIR as one of the wire formats for the Virtual Medical Record (vMR) - Using FHIR as one of the wire formats for the proposed Quality Improvement Virtual Record

Thurs Q3: CDS joining ArB (room TBD)

ArB meeting with CQI on Quality next steps. CDS will join. vMR also on agenda.

Thurs Q4: CDS hosts ITS (Chula Vista)

Dale from ITS will join CDS for vMR XML specification ballot reconciliation. Other agenda items TBD.

Representatives from CDS (in particular Claude) planning to join Pharmacy to review vMR specifications.