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2013-12-03 User Group Task Force Conf Call

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  • Update on Immunization as our initial UG pilot.
  • Next steps regarding the pilot.
  • Do we need to change the meeting time?


  • John Hatem, Nathan Bunker, Bonnie McAllister, Keith Boone, Mark McDougall, Karen Van Hentenryck

Minutes / Discussions

  • Nathan provided an update on the viability of AIRA helping to launch/support the HUG focusing on immunization.
    • AIRA is interested but have asked the specific committee to discuss this concept.
    • The appropriate committee within AIRA will have a conference call tomorrow. Nathan will participate in the call and report back to us. (At this point, Nathan dropped from the call)
  • We need to explore whether a formal relationship (agreement) is needed between HL7 and AIRA.
  • Discussion on if and where the pilot HUG face to face meetings would occur (e.g., at HL7 meetings versus at AIRA meeting)
  • Bonnie is interested in serving on the immunization UG.

Discussed the one page HUG game plan

  • see content at the end of the November 19th minutes
  • During the call today the task force members reviewed each section of the game plan document.
    • HL7 suggested support:
      • Listserv
      • Wiki
      • Meeting logistics and registration support
      • Support for convening elections of the chair and co-chair
    • Group discussed the finances
      • User group dues pricing
      • HL7 members pay no fee to join the HL7 UG
      • Nonmembers of HL7 pay $100 to join the HL7 UG
      • User group meeting registration fees
        • Discussed a full day registration meeting fee of $200 for HUG members and $300 for UG nonmembers that also provides one year of HUG membership
      • Discussed the scope of HL7 UGs from a global topic versus local perspectives
        • Keith believes it is feasible to have an HL7 UG in 50 US cities in a few years.
        • Mark expressed concern over the concept of launching local UGs. He recalled that our face to face HUG TF discussion concluded that we should start small (one topic and on a virtual basis) and based on the success of the pilot, consider expanding to a larger scale (more topics and perhaps local UGs)
        • Keith did not believe that a decision was made on whether the pilot would or would not include local UGs.
        • John stated that he views that we may be able to do both: global UG by topics as well as local UGs for those that are interested in doing so.
        • John added that one of the basic steps is to select a HUG pilot
        • Mark responded that our pilot on immunization would be launched on a global and virtual basis, which initially would not include local UGs.
        • Karen sought clarity on whether individuals from HL7 Org member companies (e.g., Mayo) would have free access to HL7 UGs. She added that we do not want the UGs to compete with our HL7 membership benefits.
        • John suggested that we may want to consider creating a fee structure for local chapters for the HUGs.

Anticipated HUG activities

  • Virtual meetings on a regular basis TBD (e.g., monthly)
  • Ongoing communications via HUG listserv and wiki
  • Election of a HUG Chair and Co-chair
    • Discussed options to governance for the UGs
    • Clarify the interaction/relationship between the UGs and the existing HL7 WGs
    • We need known drivers/owners for each UG in order to have a better chance of success
    • Bonnie suspects that UGs will spawn from existing WGs
    • Face to face one day meeting on an annual basis in conjunction with the 2014 Plenary meeting (e.g., Thursday or Friday of WGM week)

Next Steps

  • Formalizing a relationship with AIRA
  • Discussing details on an annual meeting
    • Housed at the HL7 plenary meeting
    • Housed at the annual AIRA meeting
  • Review/update one page game plan document
  • See minutes from November 19th, 2014 for more details of the HUG Plan

Do we need to change the meeting time?

  • John will forward Mark a list of alternate times/days that would work for him.
  • Mark will send the UG listserv a meeting wizard to learn their availability for alternative times for the weekly HUG calls.