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December 03, 2013 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


Member Name Present Member Name Present Member Name Present
Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-Chair x Max Walker CBCC Co-Chair .
Michael Alonso . Wende Baker x Bill Braithwaite, MD .
Kathleen Connor Daniel Crough . .
Steve Eichner x Brian Handspicker . Mohammed Jafari
Jim Kretz x Mike Lardiere . Tracy Leeper
Lisa Nelson Diana Proud-Madruga x Harry Rhodes
Ken Salyards Lori Simon Ioana Singureanu x
Tony Weida . Kate Wetherby . Rick Grow x
Maryann Juurlink x Steve Daviss x

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. CDS-R2 Vetting Process Outline - Wende Baker
  3. Privacy Value Sets - Richard
  4. (5 min) Other Business

Meeting Minutes

Motion made to accept meeting minutes (since WGM) Suzanne / Diana second)

Abstentions: none; Objections: none; Motion passed

'ACTION ITEM - Ioana to confirm if additional information needed for NIB on Reaffirmation v3 Consent Directive ballot

  • Treating prisoners in the criminal health system. Looking at treating inmates as part of the community since they come from the community and will be returned to the community. In the paradigm being shared, the health care system is shared between the prison system and the rest of the community.
  • Hampton county opened report - patients come from the community and return to the community. within a jail itself a triage (if minor injury then placed in a 'pod'
  • We’re mostly interested in their value sets. If we can get a handle on the high-level data that they use that would be useful. We could use that to come up with a classification system and create value sets for what we would really want/need to be shared.
  • They probably won’t give us their exact value-sets but if we can an idea of the data that they collect and try and find core common elements that many of them collect.
  • The hard part is really determining what information really needs to be shared to create a client profile with data that all providers need access to that is shared across all providers and then specially information can be added by the different clinicians within their EHRs.
  • We are looking at both children and adults in a lock-down type of situation.


  • Transition of care can be equated to transition of services with the mindset of continuing care toward improvment of the client/patient.

Connection for SAMHSA in terms of prevention - this will be cases for both adults and children

Recirculation Ballot reaffirmation of v3 - CBCC needs to submit a new PSS (to Lynn)

Ioana will follow up with Suzanne on the two re-circulation ballots via e-mail

“Behavioral Outcome Measures for Safety Net, Health & Human Services” - Richard (add draft paper) Document scope: Create an integrated DAM and terminology standards focusing on quality outcome measures for safety net services. Start in the BH environment because it is easier to get outcome measures in a BH environment.

  • Trying to collect information about a person to determine if over time that person showed improvement in a quantitatively measurable way. Come up with indicators that would be tracked over time to identify improvements.
  • The key to this is to have an accurate base-line for the client at the start of treatment.

Discussion: Diana brought up the pitfalls to having measurements that cause the clinician to focus on the measurements rather than the individual client. also, the criteria can not be too broad or too narrow

Richard: measurements should rely on outcomes (concrete) than something that is non-measurable (

Ordinal Outcome Scales The concepts that we are working with in the criminal justice system are pretty basic.

Meeting adjourned at 10:01 PST --Suzannegw 21:25, 3 December 2013 (UTC)