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2013-12-02 Rx Conf Call
Revision as of 00:51, 3 December 2013 by Smrobertson (talk | contribs) (→Clinical Decision Support Virtual Medical Record)
- Scott Robertson(Chair/Scribe)
- John Hatem
- Julie James
- Hugh Glover
- Stephen Chu
- Eric Larson
- Melva Peters
List Serv Discussions - Compounded medications
- As discussed last week, cannot be described in a structured way in CDA R2. Can be entered as text, sec.
- Scott: what would we need to do with the comsumable entry? There is a required manufactered product and associated drug. Can this be populated with a local code? or a null flavor?
Action Item: Scott will find prior thread and pose this new issue back to Gaye/SDWG
List Serv Discussions - PRN Medication Orders - how to do them in CDA
- Tom will send summarization (email on 11/25)
January 2014 Ballot
- Preview site - open for v3 content. we don't have any v3 content in this cycle
- IDMP - documents with Don Lloyd
- a matter of reballoting to clear up an administrative point. Not new material.
- check that there is a reasonable ballot pool. Yes, already at 99
- We can monitor votes and contact any negatives to clear before ballot closes.
- We could use the ballot desktop co-chair tools to inform the ballot pool that this is review/approval only. No new content will be entertained. Any "corrections" will be deferred to future IDMP work (non scheduled).
- May be able to use the ballot reconciliation statement from the last ballot
Action Item: Hugh will track down the prior ballot reconciliation.
- MTM CDA Template - status
- Scott still working on this. Expect to have it in by Friday.
Publication Status
- Scott: All four will be to Don by this week.
Clinical Decision Support Virtual Medical Record
- Melva voted negative on behalf of Pharmacy
- Pharmacy needs to review their response.
- need Jean & Melva on the call. Melva will coordinate
- (ran out of agenda time)
FHIR Immunization and Medication Administration Task Force
- John is sending an updated spreadsheet. Work continues
Joint IHE Meeting
- (ran out of agenda time)