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Project Page for HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Electronic Laboratory Reporting to Public Health, Release 2 (US Realm)
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- Project co-sponsors
Project Information
Create a Release 2 of the HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Electronic Laboratory Reporting to Public Health, (US Realm).
In addition, this effort will align the ELR IG to the Laboratory Results Interface ( LRI ) IG, but also harmonize LRI wth the ELR .
This project would include the following work products:
- 1) A document: HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Electronic Laboratory Reporting to Public Health, Release 2 (US Realm).
- 2) Profile to constrain HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Electronic Laboratory Reporting to Public Health, Release 2 (US Realm)to conform with“Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Laboratory Results Interface for US Realm, Release 1 HL7 Version 2.5.1: ORU^R01 Draft Standard for Trial Use” (LRI DSTU)
- a. The ultimate goal of this activity to create an implementation guide that is harmonized with the OO sponsored S&I LRI, Laboratory Orders Initiative (LOI), and Electronic Directory of Services (eDOS) implementation guides so that all documents can be balloted as Normative Standards at the same time
- 3) Associated message profiles
Specific Features and Functions include:
- 1) IG document
- 2) Message profiles
- a. Implementation profile for base ORU-R01
Name the project facilitators
- Rita Altamore (WA State DOH) Rita.Altamore@DOH.WA.GOV
- Erin Holt (TN State DOH)
- Eric Haas (Contractor for APHL)
- Riki Merrick (Contractor for APHL)
Link to project scope statement
Post your questions or issues on the PHER listServe
- You can post your questions or issues on the PHER ListServe put "ELR R2" in the subject line
View or subscribe to PHER Listserve page
- Balloting completed 10/30/2013
- Final Consolidated Ballot Reconcilitation Spreadsheet: ConsolidatedBallotRecon
- Published document pending -- Due date 30 Nov 2103
- First draft of LRI + LRI_PH _COMPONENT last update 11/6/2013: media:V251 IG LB LABRPTPH R2 D1 2013NOV v5.docx
- Publication request documebt: HL7 Publication Request ELR IG R2.docx
- XML profile pending
Project Documents
- Link to Final Draft before May Ballot: " HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Electronic Laboratory Reporting to Public Health, Release 2 - US Realm May 2013 HL7 DSTU Ballot" Media:HL7v2.5.1 IG ELR R2 PHER DRAFT FOR COMMENT.docx
- Link to Document that summarizes that changes between ELR251 Releasee 1 and Release 2 - Note that this document is a draft and may undergo substantial changes as a result of the ballot process for Release 2: Media:ELR 251 R1 to R2 comparison PreBallotDraft.docx
- Link to HL70487 to SNOMED CT Cross-mapping table: Media:HL70487toSNOMED_Mapping.xlsx