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August 20, 2013 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (15 min) Item1: Future Work
  3. (15 min) Item2: Consent2Share Demonstration
  4. (5 min) Other Business

Meeting Minutes

Item1: Future work – Meeting was an informal conversation about what people want to do next. Meeting next week will focus on privacy in relation to the summary behavioral health record. What Wende took away from last week’s discussion was that they would do some one on one, as would the Arizona group, but that they would wait until after the meeting next week to circle back to the group. Wende suggests that Arizona and Nebraska could meet with Ioana, either independently or together, outside of CBCC meetings to drill down on the list that they both had and then bring back a consolidated list of recommended requirements for review by the full group. Richard mentioned that SAMSHA will be funding work to extend the behavioral health record to include other services, such as safety net type services, that typically our clients need. Not sure how many of the other big stakeholders will be participating, such as HUD. The other question is whether or not they will want to do it standards-based. Wende mentioned that something she took from last week’s meeting as a strong statement is the mandatory vs. optional requirements. She thinks around these measures the standards would almost have to go out the gate as optional. Ioana mentions that there are only a small number of elements are mandatory per meaningful use. It would be helpful to have a list of what the mandatory elements are. Ioana recommended looking at the meaningful use requirements as a baseline for mandatory elements. Which elements become mandatory will depend on the different use cases being implemented. Which elements are mandatory will also depend on individual state requirements. Some states may have additional required elements that we don’t have listed. CBCC will likely not have anything to bring to ballot in the next ballot cycle given that the next ballot cycle is very short (January). The following one isn’t until May, meaning CBCC would need to have it ready for review by March. This is a more likely timeframe.

Matthew mentioned that they have done a gap analysis of the summary behavioral health record. He believes that this analysis was sent to the CBCC working group. Matthew will send it out just in case it wasn’t sent.

Item2: Consent2Share Demonstration Announcement from Richard: Monday and Tuesday, August 26 & 27 – Demonstrating SAMSHA’s consent to share software. Talking about issues surrounding how granular we should be supporting consent. We are looking for pilot sites. Production pilot sites that focus on states (HIEs) and providers. We are proceeding with developing this open source system. We’re involved in developing value sets to implement various consents in standard clinical data. We are using our behavioral health record to identity and specify what policies will be enforced. This is SAMSHA funded. SAMSHA is hoping to have the production pilot in place by late fall/early winter. This work feeds into automated privacy consent.

Other Business: Announcement 2: There is a healthcare classification system ballot coming out of the security work group. This is the only thing out there right now that is incorporating consent and access policies on what you can and can’t do with my data. If you have a chance, please take a look at it.

Next Week’s Meeting: We may have a time challenge next week because of the demo meeting that is being held at SAMSHA. Stay tuned for any time adjustments to the meeting

Question about the work group meeting agenda for September – Richard has not drafted anything. 1. Make sure we are available for comments on the DS4P ballot. 2. We would have a chance to discuss the extensions of the summary behavioral health record. We will spend our time focusing on this document and scoping out the Brian Handspicker - Next week after the demo can we chat. We are not the ideal pilot type for you. But we are looking at how we can use consent to share in our multi-domain environment. For example, Educational information, Family court, criminal court information etc. All of which have overlapping domains and rules on what can be shared under certain circumstances. Action: Richard and Brian to schedule a meeting to chat after the demo day.

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