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August 27, 2013 Security WG Conference Call

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Security Working Group Meeting

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (25 min) RMES - Reed Gelzer
  3. (25 min) HL7 Sept WGM Draft Agenda
  4. (05 min) Other Business

Meeting Minutes

Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda Motion made to accept agenda. Agenda accepted.

Last week's meeting minutes reviewed and accepted.

Item 1: HL7 Sept WGM draft agenda

Discussion of content for the HL7 Cambridge WGM to be held in September. Click here to view draft agenda

Presentation - Tony Weida (time permitting)

Security and Privacy Ontology (SPO) spec to illustrate an SPO-compliant security policy composed from reusable elements using logical operators


Other Business

Action Items

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