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June 4, 2013 DS4P Kick-off

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Data Segmentation for Privacy

=Kick-off Meeting, June 4, 2013

Joint HL7 Project work: CBCC and Security Working Groups


  • Adrianne James
  • Brian Handspicker
  • Mike Davis
  • Suzanne Gonzales-Webb
  • Kathleen Connor
  • Kathryn Wetherby
  • Richard Thoreson
  • Mike Dufel
  • Ioana Sngureanu
  • Mohammad Jafari
  • Serafina Versaggi
  • Johnathan Coleman


None Posted

Meeting Minute Notes:

SEVERAL of us have been working with HHS ONC and the DS4P for the last few years

We’ve been asked to go forward with the DS4P project IG and convert it into an IG here in the US-realm and ready in 2014 to ballot in September.

  • The PSS was brought forth to the TSC and approved so we’re officially in business. (Thanks to Kathleen and Ioana for their assistance)
  • Look at presentation on how to put together this project
    • We will need to parse out the tasking into workable component parts that need to be taken up with other SDOs, get that laid these components out and allocate to participating people
  • We will be using the CDA IG as a reference, the more I think about it:
    • We are applying a list of constraints to the CDa documents, but other constraints will apply to other artifacts… maybe we can leverage the NDHT tools to compile all the constraints.. if we want to get fancy, we can even introduce OCL constraints to allow for validation of certain constrains. There are some are based on pre-conditions which cannot be done at an instance level.
  • can you describe the tool ?(Mike)


  • What this tool does do?
  • From the currently shown templates, it can organize the template of constrains
  • The attributes of the sociahistoryobservation that have been constrained for the template—the code has been constrained to include additional elements; what we’re looking at is the details of the constrains the MDHT tools give us some short hand to identify something that is repeated or something that should occurs in an instance.
  • if something ‘should’ occur or how… how the implementator can use the constraint.
    • each constraint has its own constraintID, which is useful for the testing and validation for later during implementation; we can validate with a template and also validate that you have met the constraint
    • This is an free to use open health tool (not an OMG tool) ONC,—contributions made by ONC, IBM, have contributed
  • Do we need this tool on our laptops? (no), it is a modeling tool-not everyone needs to toll on their laptops
  • Something is workable here… we can check this model into SVN and have good conversion control and under the set of tools which are also open source, we can create reports from this model
  • Will this/can this be a ballot artifact… ? yes. we have detailed templates that will allow us to create ballot artifacts very similar to how the CDA IGs look like
    • This means that people outside our HL7 they can use? They can use the DS4P IG and create a tweaked version (i.e. specific to NY)—if we have all the constraints in the model, we will not individually create each of these by hand.
    • Where possible we are going to constraining specific libraries, we can generate certain cases (cautiously); we can create java libraries and instantiate, validate and consume content which conform to needed specification---for say, your specific state.
  • Showing a vocabulary model; (no test at the end!).