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June 24, 2013 CBCC Conference Call
Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting
Meeting Information
- [mailto: Wendy Baker].
- [mailto: Harry Rhoades].
- Bill Braithwaite, MD
- Daniel Crough
- Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-chair.
- Jim Kretz
- Tracy Leeper
- David Staggs
- Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair.
- Ken Salyards
- Ioana Singureanu
- Serafina Versaggi
- Kate Wetherby
- Tony Weida
- (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
- (15 min) Common Core Value Sets
- (15 min) Item2
- (15 min) Item3
- (5 min) Other Business
Next week: next week the BH DAM will be on the agenda for publication approval (including name change)
Meeting Minutes
CBCC interest in developing Common Core Value Sets
- Value sets would be used for exchange of records between community-based and CJ-based behavioral health and between specialty BH and other community based human services used by pregnant and post-partum women.
- Note: SAMHSA may fund small purchase orders to support both developments as extensions to MU value sets maintained by the NIH-Value Set Authority Center (VSAC).
- There may also be funding for integration of specialty BH with HUD-funded and SAMHSA-funded homeless services.
If State folks are on the call, Richard would also like them to opine about any interest in their state to pilot test SAMHSA's Consent2Share Privacy consent management system, in the Fall. C2S implements HL7-CBCC privacy consent standards.