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Templates WGM 2013 May

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Templates WG Agenda for the May 2013 WGM in Atlanta, GA USA

Day Date Time   Room Event Host joining Chair Scribe Notes
Sunday May 5 AM Q1              
PM Q3              
Day Date Time   Room Event Host joining Chair Scribe Notes
Monday May 6 AM Q1 TBD Planning for the week:Mission & Charter, SWOT, Strategic Plan & SAIF CD implementation guidance to be included in the Templates ITS DSTU along with versioning, relationships, Templates ITS DSTU, Documentation issues.Go to Meeting is:, Meeting-ID: 211-190-546 Templates   Kai Heitmann Mark Shafarman
PM Q3    
Day Date Time   Room Event Host joining Chair Scribe Notes
Tuesday May 7 AM Q1
PM Q3  
Day Date Time   Room Event Host joining Chair Scribe Notes
Wednesday May 8 AM Q1              
PM Q3  
Q4 TBD Joint Meeting: Vocab Binding, FHIR Profiles Vocab Vocab, Templates and FHIR Vocab TBD
Day Date Time   Room Event Host joining Chair Scribe Notes
Thursday May 9 AM Q1              
Q2 TBD Template Versioning, Relationships, Templates ITS DSTU, HingX & Templates Registry Business Processes Patient Care Templates, Structured Doc and Patient Care Patient Care TBD  
PM Q3              
Day Date Time   Room Event Host joining Chair Scribe Notes
Friday May 10 AM Q1 WGM: Joint Session -
  1. Week's Summary (all)
  2. Templates ITS pilot project -- interim report(Andy)
  3. Templates Versioning (Kai)
  4. HingX and Template Registry Business Processes(Andy)
    1. POC possibility: evaluating HingX for a generic Templates Registry
  5. Art-Decor update (Kai)
  6. Status of Templates DSTU, including
    1. 3 levels: governance (public and private), design/versions, implementation (& relationships between governance groups)
    2. ITS
    3. updates & lessons learned from the Templates Registry Business Requirements
  7. Documentation (minutes); Wiki update; Publishing statuses
  8. from Monday:
    1. next wgm schedule q3 instead of q1, same weds, thurs, fri
    2. Mission & Charter
    3. SWOT
    4. Strategic Plan

Templates Tooling, Patient Care, Structured Docs John Mark
PM Q3          