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Nutrition Management

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Scope of Nutrition Orders Project

The goal of the project is to create a Domain Analysis Model (DAM) for diet and nutrition orders which will describe medical diet orders, nutritional supplements, enteral tube feedings and nutrition service-related requests. This project will be a joint project between HL7 and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) and our international counterparts, where ADA representatives along with food and nutrition management software vendors will provide domain expertise to help develop content documents and storyboards. Currently, there is no accepted published vocabulary standard for diet codes. Therefore, this project has potential dependencies with the work products of the Electronic Health Records work group’s Electronic Nutrition Care Process Record System (ENCPRS) project in that the ENCPRS project seeks to leverage the placement of the International Dietetics and Nutrition Terminology into standardized vocabularies such as UMLS, LOINC, SNOMED, or others.


This is the next phase (R2) of the Nutrition Orders DAM project. The previous project was successfully balloted as an informative document. There are some errata that need to be fixed in the document. Additionally, we want to expand the scope to add patient/resident preferences for both foods and medications. This will allow us to build models to support documentation and exchange of patient requests and refusals for both foods and drugs. We intend to ballot this on the Normative track since it has artefacts being derived from it. Drug and Food Preferences are required to be noted in a EHR as they are important patient information that differs from allergies and intolerances.

Nutrition Order Clinical Messages (Project #902)

The goal of this project is use the Diet and Nutrition Orders Domain Analysis Model work balloted in May 2012 to map the identified domain class model to the RIM and create all necessary version 3 artifacts including an implementation guide to support the exchange of electronic nutrition order clinical messages. Nutrition order messages will support the following types of nutrition orders: oral diets including texture modifications, oral nutritional supplements, enteral formula orders for tube feedings and infant formulas, patient food preferences, and special meal service orders/instructions. Currently, there is no accepted controlled vocabulary standard (codes or value sets) for diets. However, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has already submitted many of the terms from the International Dietetics and Nutrition Terminology (IDNT) into SNOMED-CT and seeks to continue to pursue this effort. Therefore we have included development of the required Vocabulary Concept Domains as part of the scope of this project. The Diet and Nutrition Orders DAM also references the allergies and intolerances work in progress within Patient Care (see Project Id 881). This project will be informed by that work such that component messages specific to food allergies and food intolerances can be exchanged whenever nutrition orders are exchanged.


Project Facilitators:

Jean Duteau,
Margaret Dittloff;

Co-Modeling Facilitators:

Jean Duteau,
Lorraine Constable,

Domain Expert Representatives (Representing American Dietetic Association):

Margaret Dittloff;
Elaine Ayres;
John Snyder;

Conference Calls and Minutes

SPECIAL NOTICE No calls currently scheduled - DAM R2 ballot has passed


Working Documents


Status & Deliverables

Nutrition Orders Domain Analysis Model R2 - DSTU Ballot May 2013 Cycle / Status - Reconciliation

Key Dates:
File Intent to Ballot (February 2013) - May 2013 Ballot Cycle
Submit Final Ballot Content for May 2013 Ballot - DAM R2 and Nutrition Orders Clinical Messaging I2 by March 17 Deadline
