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Placeholder page for GSRN implementation guidance.

Authors: Alexander Henket / Christian Hay


  • Obtain OID for GSRN from GS1 -- done
  • Register OID in HL7 OID Registry -- done
  • Add OID in text here -- done

Suggested structure of the document:


A GSRN goes into the <id/> attribute of the appropriate class, e.g. if the GSRN is used as a Patient identifier, then the GSRN goes into The OID for GSRNs is The GSRN itself goes into @extension.


Preliminary text. This page is devoted to guide you on how to apply GSRN identifiers in HL7 V3. It may be updated to include FHIR

Background On GSRN

The Global Service Relation Number (GSRN) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify the relationship between an organisation offering services (in this case, any Healthcare provider) and the recipient of services (in this case, the patient). The same Identification Key can be used to identify the relationship between the organisation offering the service and the provider of the service (in this case, the caregiver), but using a different Application Identifier to clearly distinguish the role. The data string is comprised of the:

  • • Application Identifier, provides the meaning of the data field which follows, allowing the same GS1 data carrier to encode multiple data fields
  • • GS1 Company Prefix, allocated by GS1 Member Organisations to member companies and users, enabling them to allocate GSRNs
  • • Service Reference, allocated by the member company or user to each different person
  • • Check Digit, provides extra security by preventing accidental key stroke errors

Use Cases

Short outline of use cases already crafted by GS1 and pointer to more detail on GS1 website

HL7 V3 Fragments

Example XML fragments
