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April 23, 2013 Security Working Group Conference Call

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Security Working Group Meeting

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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (15 min) HL7 Security WGM Agenda DRAFT
  3. (15 min) Ballot Update
  4. (15 min) Item3
  5. (05 min) Other Business

Meeting Minutes

Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda

HL7 Security WGM Agenda

  • SOA no agenda items to fill joint meeting; meeting will be postponed to next WGM
  • Tony Weida will be availabe
  • potential walk-in subject for CBCC (not resolved yet per Mike); for joint Q3/Q4 meeting
  • BH = behavioral health
  • fill open Q3/Q4 placeholder for Q4 International
  • is there time for joint CBCC-Security ballot reconciliation? (
    • Serafina / Ioana needed for recommendations for the Security/privacy DAM (add to Monday joint)
  • reporting out on FHIR Security Model (John Moehrke)

Is John coming to the FHIR Saturday/Sunday sessios (questions from Mike) there is activity on SAturday and an connect-a-thon on Sunday. Mike is planning on coming inon Friday to attend the FHIR. Also some tutorials will be occuring during this time.

  • Placeholder dependant on comments received Dedicate Q3/Q4 Tuesday and Q1/Q2 Thursday for <Security> Ballot Reconciliation
  • Joint EHR - structured data topic; material that Doug Fridmsa had presented to the HITP at one time. Decomposing clinical information into descrete units (PCAST) Intermaountain and others are involved. opportunity to consider to privacy and security to consider for moving small information around (led by Stan Huff, NIH work and other) Also related to data labeling project. its needs to be onsistent aross all the clinical ifnormation. theattribures need to have structure to them; additionaly we can talk about the NIST document on Attribute atrribute cone and how it relates to HCS and the need to meld with clinical data. ACTION ITEM: Kathleen can speak (couple of slides) to this subject / will work with Reed-- to get people to think aobut what is going on in this arena.


  • add agenda items
  • confirm Security-SOA joint meeting Wednesday Q2
    • agenda items to be added

Ballot Overview

  • Latest updates, #s voted, etc


Other Business

Action Items

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