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April 23, 2013 Security Working Group Conference Call
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Security Working Group Meeting
- Bill Braithwaite
- Kathleen Connor
- Mike Davis Security Co-chair
- Reed Gelzer
- Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-chair
- Adrianne James
- Don Jorgenson
- Jim Kretz
- John Moehrke Security Co-chair
- Milan Petkovic
- Diana Proud-Madruga
- Pat Pyette
- Arnie Rosenthal
- Ken Salyards
- Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair
- Tony Weida
- Trish Williams
- (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
- (15 min) HL7 Security WGM Agenda DRAFT
- (15 min) Ballot Update
- (15 min) Item3
- (05 min) Other Business
Meeting Minutes
Roll Call, Approve Minutes & Accept Agenda
HL7 Security WGM Agenda
- SOA no agenda items to fill joint meeting; meeting will be postponed to next WGM
- Tony Weida will be availabe
- potential walk-in subject for CBCC (not resolved yet per Mike); for joint Q3/Q4 meeting
- BH = behavioral health
- fill open Q3/Q4 placeholder for Q4 International
- is there time for joint CBCC-Security ballot reconciliation? (
- Serafina / Ioana needed for recommendations for the Security/privacy DAM (add to Monday joint)
- reporting out on FHIR Security Model (John Moehrke)
Is John coming to the FHIR Saturday/Sunday sessios (questions from Mike) there is activity on SAturday and an connect-a-thon on Sunday. Mike is planning on coming inon Friday to attend the FHIR. Also some tutorials will be occuring during this time.
- Dedicate Q3/Q4 Tuesday and Q1/Q2 Thursday for <Security> Ballot Reconciliation
- add agenda items
- confirm Security-SOA joint meeting Wednesday Q2
- agenda items to be added
Ballot Overview
- Latest updates, #s voted, etc
Other Business