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MnM Minutes CC 20130410

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M&M Conference Call 4:00PM Eastern Time (Date above)

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Woody Beeler, Austin Kreisler, Andy Stechishin, Lloyd McKenzie

Agenda Items for Atlanta

New Hot Topics

GWB will initiate the following hot topics:

  1. blockedContectConduction attributes in RIM are unusable without methodology rules for:
    1. The RIM constraint is currently a ConceptDomain; need to constrain that and bind it to the "default" conductible attributes;
    2. How can such a constraint be modified downstream (presume it is only by reducing the value set in question (or is it by adding???)
    3. THis atteibute is not currently properly constrained in the schemas, particularly as regards the enumerated type definition for a repeating XML attribute
  2. The current value sets in Vocabulary content intended to constrain the data types components are wrong and Harmonization proposals to fix these are needed; particularly as:
    1. Incorrect for abstract DT R2
    2. Probably insufficient for DT R2B as regards EntityNamePartQualifiers needed in RX

Issue from Structured Documents in regards Conduction of Participations

Austin noted this, and it will be addressed in MnM StDoc joint session.

Undertook reconciliation of FHIR Comments

Results are documented in FHIR spreadsheet maintained by Lloyd.

Adjournment after 59.99 minutes