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MHWG SWOT Analysis
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for Mobile Health Work Group (MHWG)
- Deep knowledge of standards development
- Expertise in related standards (e.g., EHR, PHR, Child EHR, FHIR)
- Expertise in Health IT research and development
- Expertise in communication technologies
- Strong relationships and collaboration with existing standards working groups
- Strong experience in Health IT policy and Informatics.
- Strong experience in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC).
- Strong experience in risk and regulatory policy requirements.
- Pace of established projects
- Domain is broad with extensive cross-over, i.e. with Personal Health Record (PHR), Telemedicine and medical devices
- Group is made up of working professionals with high demands on time
- Goals and objectives not yet broadly known across the HL7 community
- More extensive international representation
- Growth in mobile health is in a major period of research and development
- Domain that impacts a wide range of stakeholders including public health, providers, consumers, etc.
- Many related standards to build from
- Identified as a domain of high need for disparate/underserved health communities and regions i.e. LMIC subgroups
- Horizontal nature of mobile health; more than personal health
- Collaboration with other Mobile Health organizations.
- Rapid change and continued evolution of mobile technology.
- Lack of distinction between other domains (EHR, PHR, etc) other than wireless status
Technology and infrastructure is continuously changing Privacy and Security (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability) concerns Trusted use and management of BYOD in organization Rapid change and continued evolution of mobile technology. Pace of developments and continued evolution of mobile technology. Gap in stakeholders coverage missing Upcoming government regulation impacting Mobile health standards.