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2013-02-11 Rx Conf Call
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- Melva Peters (Chair), Brad Fonsecca, Jean-Henri Duteau, Derek Eveans, Hugh Glover, Scott Robertson, Stephen Chu, Julie James (scribe), Tom de Jong
List Serve Discussions
- Role of Pharmacy WG in Structured Documents project on Clinical Oncology **We have invited Yan to the next call to give a walk-thru of the materials, but several folk are not able to join next week. Tom will ask if it is possible to schedule for two weeks’ time (25th February).
- Representing Access and Device for SBADM Acts
- Concerns about modelling of Device and Access; Tom’s proposal removes the choice (remove AssignedDevice CMET) and adds ID to the Device entity.
- To manage the original use case of being able to describe “a device” like an infusion pump without having to describe “access” and to maintain backward compatibility with the existing ballot artefact, just adding an ID to Device2 seems like it might be a better option.
But AssignedDevice appears to be the wrong CMET
Jean-H will re-model with two different roles and send to the list.
January 2013 Ballot Reconciliation
- There is still some FHIR ballot reconciliation to be done; Hugh has drafted some responses, but not all.
May Ballot Cycle
- Order, Dispense and Supply Event are all in relatively good shape.
The NIB is due February 17th (this coming Sunday) – Melva with submit these for us.
Normative Edition publishing
- Is up on the preview site; Scott has major technology problems so is unable to access files at the moment so will be in touch with Don later in the week when he is re-technogised.
Hugh has to post the Medication Statement Service
Planning for Out of Cycle Meeting
Doodle Poll is published; only Tom and Michael T have expressed a strong preference. On the practical grounds of not moving between places as this makes the logistics more complex, the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If we have the same proposer and seconder, we can vote to overturn the motion made last week to have the end of the week (we need to do this formally as we have to tell the TSC of the motion when we make the request for the OOC). SO Scott re-proposed to have the tentative dates for the OOC to be Mon-Wed 10-12th June at Nictiz in the Hague; Tom seconded this:
For: 8 Against: 0 Abstain: 0
FHIR Resources
- Continued work on resources