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2013-01-28 Rx Conf Call

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 17:44, 26 January 2013 by Jenaker (talk | contribs)
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  • Melva Peters (Chair)

WG re-cap

  • Recap of activities and outcomes
  • Review action items from minutes
  • Thursday Q3 vote - anyone know what this was for?

List Serve Discussions

January 2013 Ballot Reconciliation

  • Action items from WGM?

Normative Edition publishing

  • Status (Scott)

==Nutrition DAM Project++

  • Request to co-sponsor project

File:Diet and Nutrition Orders DAM R2 PSS.doc


  • Project 857 - Review pharmacy use cases to determine how requirements can be met within CDA templates
    • need to approve change to target date for start/end of this work - current finish date is September 2012
  • Project 855 - FHIR
    • Resource proposals have been submitted and endorsed for development by FHIR governance body - Target: July 15, 2012 - NEED TO UPDATE THIS
    • Resource content ready for inclusion in initial FHIR DSTU ballot - Target: Nov. 4, 2012 - NEED TO UPDATE THIS
    • Resources pass DSTU ballot - Target: Jan. 31, 2014
  • CMET Projects
    • Project 557 - Medication CMETs
      • is this the one being published in NE2013?
    • Project 501 - Pharmacy CMETs Release 10
    • Project 249 - Common Product Model - Medication CMETs Release 11

FHIR Resources

  • Continue work on resources


  •  ?


  • Next meeting - February 4, 2013 4pm Eastern