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V2.8 XON Issues

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Revision as of 23:08, 16 January 2013 by Ajulian (talk | contribs)
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XON In the XON datatype, XON.3 ID number has been withdrawn.

  1. The question is: what then do the check digit and check digit scheme (XON.4 and XON.5) refer to?
    1. XON.10?
    2. Organization identifier?
    3. Nothing?
  2. The text description for them in 2.A.88.4 still refers to its use when the identifier is populated - but also erroneously refers to XON.1 as the identifier, which is the Organization name. Basically this datatype component descriptions are a bit of a mess and need to be cleaned up.
    1. XON.1: Definition: The name of the specified organization. This component SHALL be valued if XON.10 is empty or MAY be valued regardless.
    2. XON.10:Definition: This component contains the sequence of characters (the code) that uniquely identifies the item being referenced by XON.1 Organization Name. This component replaces XON.3 ID Number as of v 2.5.

This component SHALL be valued if XON.1 is empty, or MAY be valued regardless..

    1. Definition: This component contains the digit, or digits, exclusive of the identifier in XON.3, usually calculated by applying an algorithm to all or some of the digits in the number, which may be used to test validity of the non-check-digit identifier.
  1. With the withdrawal of XON.3 to what does the assigning authority (XON.6) refer – XON.10?
    1. Yes, XON.6, XON.7, XON.8 refer to XON.10
    2. XON.2 and XON.9 refers to XON.1
  2. All of the components are optional. Should not some of them be conditional?

(tony/??)8-0-0) Joint with Vocab