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HL7/OHT Collaboration on HingX

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HL7 Tooling is supporting the HL7 Community in it's use of the Health Ingenuity Exchange (HingX) Registry and Repository. HL7 is one of the communities participating in the Alpha Program prior to public release.

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  • Tooling Work Group sponsor
  • Templates Work Group co-sponsor
  • Publishing Work Group co-sponsor
  • Architecture review Board participating

Project Information

Project Insight #904:

  • HL7 is collaborating with Open Health Tools in the Health Ingenuity Exchange (HingX) project to develop and use a registry and repository for all Health IT related assets. The Alpha Program requires active participation to use HingX and provide feedback on desired enhancements to improve the usability prior to releasing to the public.
  • Jane Curry is the project facilitator
  • Project deliverables:
    • Agreement to participate signed - Target: June 25, 2012
    • HL7 specific 'Getting Started Guide' available - Target: June 30, 2012
    • Initial Work Groups actively participating - Target: June 30, 2012
    • Feedback to HingX developers provided every 2 weeks - Target: July 15, 2012
    • Evaluation of HingX and recommendation to continue or not - Target: September 2012

Initiation of Requirements Document for HL7 Adding Resources to HingX

GWB Added a Requirements_for_HingX_Resource_ADD_API_from_HL7 document on Wiki, "ADD"ed it as a Resource on HingX, anbd began populating it. PLEASE review and comment.

Meeting Information

  • No special meetings are being scheduled for this work; discussions are part of Tooling meetings

Standing Conference Calls

The Tooling WG will hold a Conference Call at 2 PM Eastern time, each Thursday except during scheduled face-to-face Working Group Meetings unless otherwise noted at Telecon_Agendas.

Conference Call: Uses HL7 Conference Call Service
Dial 770-657-9270 and enter pass code 586935#
GoToMeeting at 482-299-629


  • Presentation on how to use HingX - target June 21 Tooling telecon
  • Identify User Groups
  • Assign User Group Administrators
  • Identify meta-data curators for each participating group
  • Clarify expected mandatory metadata, versus recommended metadata for specific asset types

Issues/Hot Topics

  • List issues here

Project Documents