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October 2, 2012 Security Working Group Conference Call
Revision as of 16:31, 3 October 2012 by Kathleenconnor (talk | contribs)
Security Working Group Meeting
- Bill Braithwaite
- Kathleen Connor
- Mike Davis Security Cochair
- [1] Adrienne James
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- (05 min) Roll Call, Approve Sept. 25, 2012 Security Working Group Conference Call Minutes & Accept Agenda
- (20 min) HCS Update – Presentation to DS4P Wednesday Oct. 3 – Mike Davis
- (10 min) ISO WG 4 Report – Trish Williams
- (10 min) Upcoming Deadlines - Kathleen Connor
- (10 min) Phoenix WGM Session and Room Scheduling – John Moehrke
- (05 min) Other Business, Agenda for Next call, Action Items, and Wrap Up
- RE: Approval of Minutes and Agenda – Presiding Cochair, Mike Davis, asked for approval of the minutes and agenda. Since key presenters on several proposed agenda were not present for the call, these items were deferred. Kathleen moved; Bill seconded. Minutes and agenda approved (0-0-3)
- RE: HCS Update – Mike presented the draft HCS Classification Scheme presentation intended for the Oct. 3 DS4P call, which is based on the Healthcare Classification Scheme paper. Mike was specifically interested in Bill’s review. Mike discussed the standard sources for Security Labels, and the utility for healthcare. Several questions were raised about the structure of the Security Labels including the difference between a hierarchy and a scale, and the relation between sensitivity and compartment as different Security Label Field names.
- RE: No other business was discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 PM Eastern
Action Items
- RE:
- RE: