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CSCR-043 Consumable Agents

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Revision as of 16:38, 28 February 2006 by CVBishop (talk | contribs) (→‎Resolution)
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Editing of Change Requests is restricted to the submitter and the co-chairs of the Clinical Statement Project. Other changes will be undone. Please add comments to the "discussion" page associated with this Change Request.

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Submitted by: Heath Frankel Revision date:
Submitted date: 6 Feb. 2006 Change request Id: 043


The Substance Administration consumable particpation is inconsistant with the Medication and Pharmacy domains.


  • Change the target of a consumable participation to an Agent choicebox containing the R_Medication [universal] CMET and a Administerable Material (ADMM) Role
    • The Administerable Material is played by ([1..1] MANDATORY) Material Kind (MAT) Entity
      • Material Kind has code: CE [0..1] required <= ExposureAgentEntityKind, e.g. Drug, food, dust, etc.
      • Material Kind has desc: ST [0..1] optional
    • Material Kind is scoped by ([0..*] required) Material Part (PART, INGR) Role
    • Material Part is played by ([1..1] Mandatory) second Material Kind (MAT) Entity
      • Second Material Kind has code: CV [0..1] required <= ExposureAgentPartEntity, e.g. Agent components
      • Second Material Kind has desc: ST [0..1] optional
Consumable Agent


Changing the target of the Substance Administration Consumable participation to R_Medication CMET is consistant with the Pharmacy domain while allowing non-medication agents to be represented using the more general AdministrableMaterial structure which is also based on the Medication structure but more general.


Recommeded Action Items


23/2/06 NB Model not yet updated at time of approving change request (Action item CB) Ist CB, 2nd AP: 1st DR, 2nd CB Against 0 Abstain 0 For 6 - Approved. (Dan Rusler, Hans Buitendijk, Isobel Frean (minutes), Andrew Perry, Charlie Bishop, Rick Smithies)

28/02/06 CSP v0.2.2 updated - CVB