HL7 XML Validation Engine Manual
The HL7 XML validation engine is a Windows-based application that serves as a "test harness" for validating XML files. The test harness provides an environment in which individual file selections or "patches" of file selections can be validated using Xerces - a standard Java-based parser from the Apache Foundation.
The validation engine is based on previous application from Ramsey Systems of the UK. In its original form, the test harness supported a variety of different validators. The source code for the test harness was donated by Ramsey Systems, and has been placed in open source using the OHT license. If users wish re-extend the engine, should contact the HL7 Tooling Work Group.
The HL7 XML Validation application is delivered as a GForge download with package anem "XMLValidationEngine". The download is a single Microsoft installer (MSI) file. Installation has been tested on Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7. By default, it will attempt to install in directory "Program Files\HL7\hl7XMLvalidation".
Owing to the fact that the program invokes Java-based parsing from the command line, it needs to create and read temporary files from the file system. In order to do so, it also creates a directory named hl7-XMLvalidation in the directory "[User]\Application Data" (in Windows XP) or "[User]AppData\Roaming (in Windows 7). (Note:If files accumulate in this directory, they may be deleted once the application is closed. A BUG report requesting that the application automatically delete these files has been posted on GForge, but was not implemented as of release 3.0.1.)
Updating the Xerces Release
Although the validation engine installer includes the latest Xerces release, it may be desirable to update that release prior to the next update of the application. The following figure shows the directory structure created by the installation, along with the files in the xerces-2_11_0 sub-directory.
With the exception of the five files that are highlighted in yellow or gray, all of the files in this directory are part of the standard download/distribution from the Apache Foundation site. In order to update the release, it is simply necessary to download the new Xerces release and replace the files in the designated directory with the updated ones. Although the old release number will continue to be displayed in menus and selection boxes, the validation itself will be performed with the new files, and the validation results will correctly indicate that the new release was used.