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July 11, 2012 Education Telecon

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Revision as of 14:46, 13 July 2012 by Jenaker (talk | contribs)
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  • Chair - Melva Peters
  • Mary Ann Boyle
  • John Ritter
  • Patrick Loyd
  • AMS


  • eLearning Update
    • most of the courses are finishing
    • Romania - finished
    • August - 162 registered
    • Canada just finishing
  • Project Review
    • RIM Certification Test Update Project (PSS 886) (Virginia) - no update
    • Tutorial Tracking Information System (PSS )(AMS)
      • a 3 year plan item has been added
        • Approved by the SD - needs to go to the TSC
    • Academia Engagement Project (PSS 753)
      • looking for someone else to take this one one - Mollie no longer has availability
      • lots of interest when the project was raised
Action: include on agenda for Baltimore
    • HL7 Certification Enhancement (PSS 865)
      • need to update dates and forward to PMO
      • move start date out to November 2012
      • moved/seconded by Patrick/Ritter - 2/0/0
    • Education Webinars (PSS 871)
      • moving forward with this work
      • need to update dates
      • extend dates to May 2013 WGM
      • Moved/Seconded by Patrick/John - 2/0/0
    • Electronic Certification Testing (PSS 882)
      • need to update dates to November 2013
      • extend dates
      • Moved-Seconded by Patrick/John - 2/0/0
    • V2.7 Update (PSS 755) - Approval item to close
      • complete
      • Moved to close this project - Patrick/John - 2/0/0
  • NextGenU
    • Consider project to explore using the NextGenU as a mechanism to deliver the content in the Ambassador programs
      • who is developing PSS?
      • do we need to discuss with HQ?
      • this could be a strategy moving forward
      • NextGenU - may require an individual to be a tutor
      • MOU - need to look at establishing this
Action: Melva to send an email to Mark to see what the next steps would be to move forward
  • Strategic Plan (PSS 708)
    • need to update dates on PSS
    • Suggest we change target date to December 2012
    • Moved by Patrick/AMS to move target date to December 2012 - 3/0/0
  • Tutorials
    • UML - Patrick
      • Patrick to reach out to JD Baker (SPARX Systems)
      • AMS would like to be involved
      • this will be at least a couple of courses
        • UML Introduction
        • HL7 use of UML
    • V3 Project Manager - Marc Koehn
        • target September 15, 2012
Action: Melva will reach out to Marc in September
  • Policy/Procedure
    • Auditing - Patrick
    • target for draft July 31, 2012
    • Patrick working on this
  • Education Director**
    • Status - interviewing for new Education Director - hope to have some one on staff in 6 weeks

Any other Business

  • None

Next Meeting

  • re-assess meeting time on next call
  • July 25th at 11am Eastern