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CTS2N - 5-June-12

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Minutes 5-June-2012

Roll Call

  • Ana Estelrich (AE)
  • Brian Schweiller (Brian S)
  • Monica Harry (MH)
  • Russell Hamm (RH)

  • Kevin Peterson (regrets)
  • Craig Stancl (regrets)
  • Senthil Nachimuthu (regrets)
  • Frank Oemig (regrets)

Agenda Check

  • No changes or additions requested


  • None

Action Item Review

  • No open action items

Update from Vancouver

  • CTS2N was presented in 2 sessions in Vancouver, 1 in Vocabulary WG, 1 in SOA. Vocabulary minutes were posted to Vocabulary List Server on May 24/25.
    • Summary – An update was given for the work done in CTS2 normative, the milestones were reviewed. Feedback: the milestones approach is ok but it might be hard for the WG to review in its entirety a partially complete document before ballot. WG will be able to review smaller pieces of work (matrix, UML) but not a full document due to limited bandwidth limitations.
    • Vocabulary sessions. Minutes posted on May 24 or 25th (depending on timezone
    • Update on milestones:
      • Alignment of CTS 2 with the HL7 Core Principles of Vocabulary – the work is progressing and will be integrated in the final document.
      • An OMG PIM/HL7 SFM traceability matrix – matrix that aligns SFM functions to those implemented in the PIM. At the moment there are two documents, one from Phast and one from NCI) - need to merge them, review them on the next call and come up with a mitigation strategy (method of handling these and the discrepancies (if functions are implemented differently or left out, the matrix will identify these gaps and propose a mitigation). Plan to review them this week and present in the next vocabulary conf call. Russ will work on it for the new few days; solicit Monica and Ana on it.

HL7 requirements will constrain the PIM (need to establish a way on how to declare that an implementation is conformant to HL7 CTS2, namely the semantic and functional profiles). HSSP process creates a matrix where there are semantic profiles and a functional profile. This can be more explicit in the normative version. There is a dependency from Mayo Clinic which are working on an implementation guide for HL7 CTS2, Craig not present to give an update. Action item: Russ to touch base with Craig to get information on the schedule and if needed offer help – look at the SNOMED implementation guide as an example.

      • A Conformance Profile for HL7 CTS 2 /ECCF: The conformance profiles lead to discussing the ECCF approach for SAIEF. Russ showed the 2009 document from ArB. Not out of alignment with HSSP processes, but a different process. Action item: contact Frank Oemig to see if he is willing to summarize how ECCF can apply to the CTS2 work.
      • UML Representation of MIF Vocabulary - UML representation of MIF, see how this lines up with the Conceptual Model in CTS2 URL link was broken on the ballot site. Action item: Russ to get a copy in UML so that we can start simplifying it/compare with the Conceptual Model in CTS2.
      • Functional and Information Model Clarifications

List of corrections/fixes/enhancements in CTS2. Start the wiki page. Action item: Ana will create two tables for Russ to put on a wiki with the corrections and the enhancements (2 separate tables as we might have to deal with them in a different way).

FHIR – a way to try reduce the complexity in HL7. Discussion on how CTS2 can be used to query value sets and express the CTS2 value set definition mechanism (intentionally). What does the actual value set expended look like? Russ is looking at the mechanism for querying and sharing the value sets, look also at the IHE SVS, define the order of operations in defining a value set. Informative purposes, no action item needed.

Preliminary agenda items for next week

Action Items

  • Action item: Russ to touch base with Craig to get information on the schedule and if needed offer help – look at the SNOMED implementation guide as an example.
  • Action item: Contact Frank Oemig to see if he is willing to summarize how ECCF can apply to the CTS2 work.
  • Action item: Russ to get a copy in UML so that we can start simplifying it/compare with the Conceptual Model in CTS2.
  • Action item: Ana will create two tables for Russ to put on a wiki with the corrections and the enhancements (2 separate tables as we might have to deal with them in a different way).