ITS Concall Minutes 20120228
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ITS Teleconference - February 28, 2012
Present: Paul Knapp, (PK), Andy Stechishin (AS), Brian Pech (BP)
Chair: PK
Scribe: AS
Quorum not reached
- Role call and agenda
- Approve Minutes of previous meeting February 7
- Action Item Update
- Datatypes 1.1: reconciliation package is posted
- Last action: Withdrawal of negatives has been requested from the appropriate balloters - January 31, 2012
- Structures and Guides 1.1
- Last action: Structures has been reconciled and requested withdrawals - January 31, 2012
- Last action: Guides is informative and PK will investigate next action - January 31, 2012
- Web Services
- Last action: Vassil Peytchev has not reported if he can assist with Web Services
- InM Abstract Transports
- Last action: dependant on Wrappers, will park until January. If Wrappers produces, will pick up again. If Wrappers is much longer/larger or stalled, the portion of the Abstract will be sectioned off. Separate calls will scheduled to move this forward
- R2B schemas
- Last action: PK met with principals and they believe this can be moved forward.
- Wiki page update:
- Last action: AS reported Yunwei Wang will assist
- Datatypes 1.1: reconciliation package is posted
- Recirculation Ballots
- Determine if recirculation ballots are necessary for:
- Determine if recirculation ballots are necessary for:
- Review of Product Briefs
- Next Meeting
- Adjourn
Called to order at 4:03 pm Eastern
Previous Minutes
February 7, 2012
No quorum
Action Items
- Datatypes 1.1: reconciliation package is posted
- Withdrawal of negatives has been requested from the appropriate balloters - January 31, 2012
- Structures and Guides 1.1
- Structures has been reconciled and requested withdrawals - January 31, 2012
- Guides is informative and PK will investigate next action - January 31, 2012
- Web Services
- Last action: Vassil Peytchev has not reported if he can assist with Web Services (in San Diego) - no update
- InM Abstract Transports
- Last action: Separate calls will scheduled to move this forward - January 31, 2012
- R2B schemas
- PK met with principles and they believe this can be moved forward.
- Wiki page update:
- Last action: AS presented the work that he and Yunwei Wang had completed over previous week, updates should be complete by next meeting - February 7, 2012
- ISO Datatypes release 1 - outstanding negatives
- Last action: PK will chase down outstanding negatives- January 31, 2012
ITS Guide 1.1 Reconciliation
Group agreed with the items with a disposition of Persuasive or Persuasive With Mod. Group re-evaluated the one Non-Persuasive and turned the disposition to Persuasive with Mod.
Group then discussed item 21 and agreed to write to the balloter to request further clarification.
Item 13 was found Persuasive with Mod, Section 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1 and 9.3
There is also further work required on the document which will be discussed on the next call. The document work is scheduled to be done in sections and then integrated into an new document for publishing in the Sept 2012 cycle.
Future Calls
- Call for Mar 6 cancelled
- Next call Mar 13
- V3 ITS Guides 1.1 reconciliation
- To Be Scheduled
- Review of Product Briefs
Call finished 5:21 Eastern